Symptoms to Watch Out for After a Car Accident

Motorized vehicles have become such an integral part of most people’s daily lives, especially in a city as large as Baltimore is, that sometimes we all forget just how dangerous they can be. But, the more vehicles there are on the road, the greater your chances of being involved in auto accidents.

Even a seemingly minor motor vehicle accident can have damaging effects on your body. And those effects may not be apparent until days, weeks, or months after the accident happened. You might be able to return to work after weeks after the accident without knowing that some of your bodily functions are already impaired or damaged.

After a car accident, you may not know what to do next or where to turn for advice. You need someone who can tell you which car accident doctor to see, how to file your injury claim against the responsible party, and what kind of physical symptoms you may experience as a result of your injuries. This is exactly the reason why you need a lawyer who specializes in car accidents.

Reputable car accident lawyers in Baltimore advise that if you don’t feel injured immediately after your accident, you still need to be on the lookout for symptoms that take longer to develop and appear. You can still recover compensation from the responsible party even if your injuries are not immediately apparent.

Here are some of the most common symptoms you should watch out for:

Numbness or Tingling In Any Part of Your Body

Numbness is the complete loss of feeling and sensation. Tingling, on the other hand, involves a partial loss of feeling. Both indicate potentially severe neurological injuries and require treatment from a neurologist.

Although this isn’t usually a cause for concern, leaving this condition unaddressed for a long period will make it challenging for you to resume your daily activities and remain productive after the accident. How can you accomplish chores if your arms are always tingling? How can you travel with ease if your legs feel numb after walking in short distances?

After a car accident, it is common to feel numbness or tingling in your arms, hands, fingers or legs depending on what type of underlying injuries you suffered. Numbness and tingling should not be allowed to linger without being treated. Seek medical attention as soon as possible if you are experiencing either one.

A medical professional will provide a proper diagnosis for your condition and provide the necessary solutions for you to finally get rid of any numb or tingling sensation in the body. The sooner these conditions are treated, the easier it’ll be for you to get back on track after the accident.

Swelling In Any Part of Your Body

If any part of your body appears to be abnormally large or bulbous and feels tender or achy, you are experiencing swelling. Swelling is a sign of fluid accumulating underneath your skin, usually around an area of the body that has experienced some sort of recent trauma. Depending on the part of your body that’s affected, swelling can cause pain and discomfort, and can even limit your range of motion.

For instance, if you have swollen legs, it’ll be challenging for you to move and even walk for a couple of minutes. Over time, this can adversely affect your productivity and ability to mingle with other people.

Swelling is your body’s way of giving the injured area an additional layer of cushion to protect it from being injured again and allowing it to heal properly. Go see your doctor if you notice swelling so you can be examined. The doctor can determine how severe your injuries from the accident really are.

More often than not, swelling can also signal that your body has underlying health problems. Make sure to consult a medical professional the moment you notice any swelling after the accident and have yourself checked.

Bruising on Any Part of Your Body

Your body bruises when any of the small blood vessels underneath your skin have been damaged. This damage is almost always the result of some sort of physical trauma, like the striking part of your body against the inside of your vehicle in an accident. Bruises tend to change in color as they heal – often going from blue, black, or purple to red then yellow.

Although bruises typically go away on its own, seeing bruises in different parts of your body after being involved in a car accident might signal that your body is currently suffering from serious health conditions. You might not be able to see or notice anything new in your body, but the presence of these bruises can be a red flag that your body is currently suffering or recovering from a severe injury.

When you have been in an accident, you may end up with bruising on your head, face, arms, hands, knees, lower legs, feet or abdomen. The bruising’s location and severity will depend on what part of your vehicle was impacted, how forceful the impact was, and how compact your vehicle’s interior is.

Neck Pain

Neck pain is one of the most commonly found symptoms in accident victims. Because human neck muscles are not particularly strong and are not designed to withstand the snapping motion, even a low-speed, light-impact car accident can cause neck pain.

The pain could be a sign of nothing more than a minor injury in your neck muscles, but it could also be a sign of a bulging disc, herniated disc, or other severe injuries that may require surgery.

Mid-back and Lower Back Pain

Pain in the middle of your back or in your lower back is another common post-car accident symptom. Back pain typically stems from an injured back muscle or ligament that was subjected to a sudden, unexpected movement or atypical body mechanics.

It should come as no surprise that car accident victims often have lower back pain, as car accidents frequently result in unexpected movement or unnatural body mechanics when they occur. If your lower back pain continues down your legs or has some associated tingling, you likely have some nerve damage that needs to be treated.

Shoulder Pain

In a car accident, you may strike your shoulder on something. Suffering a direct shoulder impact from the other vehicle or mild shoulder pain could be a sign of a sprain or strain that will resolve in a few weeks.

But, shoulder pain severe enough that it prevents you from having a full range of motion makes everyday tasks difficult and keeps you from being able to sleep comfortably is indicative of a more significant problem – possibly a torn rotator cuff or a damaged acromioclavicular joint, either one of which would require surgery to repair.


Headaches typically happen after you strike your head during a car accident. Depending on how forceful the impact is and what area of your vehicle is impacted, you could conceivably hit your head on your headrest, steering wheel, window, or roof.

Headaches can make you more sensitive to light and sound. If they are severe enough, they can also negatively affect your vision and cause nausea. If you are experiencing headaches, you may have a concussion or a latent traumatic brain injury.

Blurred or Worsened Vision

Vision problems following a car accident could be the result of a direct injury to your eye. They can also occur if you hit your head during the accident.

If your vision seems to have lost its sharpness or just to have worsened in general, you should go to your doctor and get a referral to an ophthalmologist or a neurologist. A specialist will be able to determine what the source of the problem is and give you the treatment you need to correct it.

Knee Pain and Lower Leg Pain

Keeping your legs protected during an accident is difficult. The force of the impact can cause you to hit your knees on the dashboard or cause them to hyperextend. Any type of leg pain makes it more difficult to walk. Having difficulty walking makes every other part of your life more complicated.

Leg injuries can range in severity from bruising, swelling and contusions, to torn muscles or ligaments. Even if you are able to tolerate the pain these injuries cause, you shouldn’t have to.

Car accidents are scary, and they can introduce quite a bit of uncertainty into your life. They can leave you feeling vulnerable and overwhelmed, unsure how you will cope or how your body may feel.


Finding an attorney to guide you through the post-accident process will help prevent fear of the unknown from taking hold of you. You deserve peace of mind, justice, and compensation for your injuries. Now you know how to get them.