Local Searches and Boosting Your Website with SERPs

Boosting your website and local search results is the easiest way to stay ahead of your main competitors.

Every small business owner must put their business or themselves on social media, on websites, and in as many blogs as possible. Your online presence is your online storefront. If you are not using it correctly, customers are slipping past you and heading for the competition.

Why Focus on Local SEO?

Local searches are a key tool to making your business grow online. There are four main types of SEO: on page, off page, Technical and Local SEO. While all of these have a place in boosting your search engine results page, there is a good reason why you ought to focus on local results.

Search Engine Results Pages, or SERPs, are programmed to take the users’ location into account when they type in any search query. This information relates to the results they show you. For instance, if you like in the UK and search for Amazon, you will end up on Amazon UK. You have to make a special separate search to find Amazon.com.

Local searches are an important part of legal marketing because even if you are a small business doing the same thing as a huge brand, that huge brand might not be in your area. If you are one of two or three smaller brands providing that same service in your local area, then you don’t need to worry about the big brand, you only need to worry about those other local firms.

So how do you maximise your page for local SEO? Here are all the tips you will ever need to keep yourself on the top tier of local SERPs.

Local SEO Tips to Stay on Top

How do you make sure your competitors are always one step behind? Follow our tips for Local SEO.

Google My Business

If you don’t already have a Google My Business account, then you ought to set one up immediately. This service is how you earn a listing result in your location when others type in what they are looking for. When you type “best restaurants in Vancouver” into Google, the top three answers will appear beside a map of the area, showing where you can find them.

Connecting a Map

On your own website, your contact us page is worth more than you think it is. Connect an SERP map to your page to show customers how to get there. This makes sure you are on that crucial Google map.

Your Contact Details

Your contact us page is also vital on its own. Ensure you use this page to give a full address and mention the areas you work in.

Your Location

Next, make sure you write specific service pages targeting each area that you operate in. If you sell blinds in Essex, add in place names, town names, and even directly address residents near your premises, you will up that SERP score overnight.

What else can you do to up your SERP results?

Make sure you add internal links all over your site. Regularly audit with an SEO company to score your local SEO, use directories and citations to put links externally directing people to your site. Follow these tips and you will be back in front in no time.