Bridge Deck Construction

Bridge deck construction is an intricate process requiring precise skill and attention to detail. From sourcing materials to executing detailed steps with heavy machinery, each phase of constructing the bridge deck will determine its overall strength.

In this article, we’ll explore all facets of bridge deck construction – from preparation to completion – so that you can better understand how these critical structures are put together. Stay tuned!

What is a bridge deck, and what are its components?

A bridge is a civil engineering structure horizontally across the supports primarily built to withstand the vertical load.

The main goal in constructing bridges is to conquer many obstacles or establish the link between two points separated by obstructions.

The most common obstructions are the bodies of water like streams, rivers, valleys, roads, etc.

The bridge comprises three main categories, namely the superstructure components, bearings, and substructure components, further described in the following.

Superstructure Components of Bridge

The superstructure elements of the bridge refer to the components above the bearings.

The components of the superstructure are primarily beams or girders, arches, cables, parapet walls, handrails, and fiberglass grating decks.

However, the kind of components for the superstructure may differ according to the kind of bridge, i.e., the components of the superstructure can differ for concrete, steel, and composite bridges.

The main purpose of structures is to bear the direct load imposed upon them and thus transfer the burden to substructure components.

The components of the superstructure of the bridge are elaborated below.

Arches and Cables:

Arches are available in arch bridges, whereas cables are used in suspension and cable-stayed bridges.

The arches on arch-like bridges help block the forces acting upon the bridge.

Beams and Girders:

The girders and beams are designed to help support the road surface, thus preventing it from being bent.

Beams are used primarily for concrete bridges.

The beams that are made up of rectangular cross-sections are frequently used.

Parapet Walls and Handrails:

The handrails and the parapets are the components of the bridge’s security.

A parapet stops the vehicles from falling over.


The deck is made up of the roadway or rail surface, which facilitates the movement of traffic through the bridge.

The deck is usually supported by beams or girders, which are then supported by deep foundations or piers with caps.

How is a bridge deck constructed?

Constructing a bridge deck is an exciting process! After all of the foundational components are properly in place, workers begin laying out the materials that form the structure. This can include anything from reinforced steel bars to concrete slabs and even asphalt for resurfacing.

Before workers implement these materials, engineers must inspect every inch of space to ensure every joint and angle is correct so it will withstand any force or weight that passes over it.

Once they’ve confirmed all measurements meet the specs, they can begin applying layers of material alternatingly until they reach full thickness and structural integrity. Once inspectors give a stamp of approval and the bridge deck is fully constructed, people can finally use this incredible feat of engineering with confidence and peace of mind!

RIVERLAKE Hydraulic cylinders are designed specifically for bridge deck construction. Constructed from the highest quality materials, these cylinders are built to withstand even the toughest conditions – ensuring your bridge deck will remain strong and secure for years to come.

The challenges of constructing a bridge deck

Bridge decks must be strong and durable, able to withstand the full force of nature while providing a smooth and comfortable vehicle ride. Building a bridge requires engineers to consider the city’s traffic needs, terrain, local conditions, and environment.

They must also create deck designs that accommodate specific load requirements, such as traffic patterns and curb heights. Dealing with these many considerations can prove difficult in even the most skilled hands.

However, once complete, a new bridge will open up new opportunities for citizens by offering better transportation options while at the same time beautifying their cityscape with elegantly designed structures.

Bottom Line

As you can see, there are many important aspects to consider when it comes to bridge deck construction. By taking the time to understand all of the steps involved in this process, you can ensure that your next project is a success.