The Perfect Look: Choosing Complementary Paint Colors For Your Walls

Choosing a wall color for your home is a big job. You want to find the perfect look that works well with your other rooms and you don’t want to have to make any compromises when it comes to the look or feel of your walls.

If you are looking for the perfect complementary wall paint color, here are some tips to help you find the right one.

Matching Your Other Rooms

When matching a complementary wall paint color, you want to choose a color that will work well with your other rooms in the house. You can choose a color that is the same color family or a different color family, but you want to choose a color that will work well with your other rooms.

If you are painting your kitchen, choose a complementary wall paint color that is the same color family as the rest of your kitchen. If you are painting your living room, choose a complementary wall paint color that is different than the other colors in your living room.

Highlighting Your Favorite Colors

If you want to highlight your favorite colors in your home, choose a complementary wall paint color that is the same color family as a wall you love in another room of your home. For example, if you love the blue color in your bathroom, but you don’t like that blue in your living room, choose a complementary wall paint color that is the same blue color family as the blue wall in your bathroom. This will help tie the two rooms together and make them look cohesive.

Finding the Perfect Complementary Mid-tone Wall Paint Color

If you have a room or area of your home with mid-tone colors, such as tans and browns, you have some decisions to make when choosing a complementary wall paint color. In this case, it is best to choose a mid-tone shade of paint that is different than the mid-tone colors in your home.

If you have a brown sofa, choose a different complementary wall paint color than brown. If you have tans and browns in your kitchen, choose different complementary wall paint colors than these colors.

Choosing A Neutral Color To Add Contrast

If you have a neutral wall in your home, such as white or gray, you can use this neutral wall as the base for choosing a complementary wall paint color. Choose a complementary wall paint color that is different than the neutral wall in your home. If you have white walls in your kitchen, choose a different complementary wall paint color than white. If you have gray walls in your living room, choose a different complementary wall paint color than gray.

Use Strength and Softness In One Room

If you want to use soft, complementary wall paint colors in one room and use strength in another room, choose a soft complementary wall paint color in the first room and a different, stronger complementary wall paint color in the second room.

For example, if you are painting your living room with a light blue color and you want to use a darker blue for your curtains, choose a different complementary wall paint color for your walls than the light blue you used for the living room.

Find Colors That Match Your Furniture Style

You can use this same technique for choosing complementary mid-tone wall paint colors if you have very modern furniture in your home. This modern furniture can be used as the base for choosing a complementary wall paint color and then using softer colors on the opposite side of the room.

For example, if you have modern furniture in your living room, choose a different complementary wall paint color than modern. If you have traditional furniture in your kitchen, choose a different complementary wall paint color than traditional.

Matching Light Fixtures And Switches

If you want to match your light fixtures and switches, you can use this same technique for choosing complementary mid-tone wall paint colors. Choose a complementary wall paint color that is different than the light fixtures and switches in your home.

Different Walls, Different Colors, Same Room

If you’re wanting to paint different colors on the walls of a single room, make sure you’re choosing shades that go well together. You can find great examples online as well as take a look at different swatches to see if you can find complementary colors.

The main thing to remember when choosing a complementary wall paint color is to use complementary colors with each other and keep it simple by choosing one or two shades of each color family.