Things To Consider When Choosing The Softest Mattress

The desired firmness level of a mattress depends on each individual preference. A soft mattress for you can be just medium for another. That’s why manufacturers use their own mattress firmness scale, to give consumers an idea of what they mean by “extra soft” or “soft,” or “medium-firm” from “firm” or “extra firm.”

Based on the mattress statistics from the past year, the sales of entry-level mattresses have dropped significantly. These days, people seek only the best products for their sleep. They now have specific preferences with the type of bed they wish to use. People seek comfort for their guests too. Luxury single mattresses for spare rooms are becoming more and more popular.

Many people want to choose the softest mattress possible because of the perception of superior comfort when choosing a soft mattress. In this post, you’ll learn the important things you need to consider when choosing the softest mattress that’s right for you.


The total overall weight of your body and how it is distributed over the surface of a mattress plays an important role in how a person perceives the softness or firmness level of mattresses. That’s why weight is an important consideration when choosing a new mattress, ensuring you select a mattress that provides a comfortably soft bed.

Here are the good-to-know facts about choosing a mattress and body size, shape, and weight:

  • As a general rule, the heavier the person, the thicker mattress (comfort layer) is needed.
  • The perception of a mattress’s softness is highly affected by how far a person sinks down deep into the mattress. A person with an above-average weight requires a comfort layer of about four inches to achieve better sleep. It is because a bigger and larger person sinks deeper into the mattress, thus increasing softness thicker layering perception.
  • A crucial aspect of proper weight distribution is the firm upper comfort layer. For a lot of heavier people, a firmer foam mattress feels softer. It means that a person with above-average weight ould needs thicker and firmer mattress core support and comfort layers.
  • A lightweight person may find an extra soft mattress as too soft. A person with below-average weight usually gets away with thinner and softer comfort layering.

Body Size and Shape

The body size and shape play an essential role when it comes to choosing the softness mattress. Different people have different body shapes because of varying fat distribution. Some people have large bellies, while others have wider and bigger hips.

Here are the good-to-know facts about choosing a mattress with reference to body size and shape:

  • Those who have curvy body types have more pronounced bellies, shoulders, and hips. That’s why these people would require effective pressure relief by choosing a mattress with deeper support. This sleeper should choose a thicker comfort layer for firmer support to balance when sinking into the mattress.
  • For people with average body shape, average mattress thickness and softness are recommended with average core support average firmness.
  • Those with an uneven body and curvy shaped bodies need thicker and softer comforting layers with firmer support layers.
  • For sleepers with flat body shape or straight, even weight distribution, they would need thinner or firmer comfort layers to be comfortable with the average core support layer.


Mattresses come in different types and materials that interact with the body in so many ways. The preferred firmness mattress level of a person may change depending on the mattress type chosen.

Here are the different types of mattress types and materials that affect choice when selecting a soft and comfortable mattress:

  • Memory Foam: This mattress softens when warmed because it is heat sensitive. That’s why the body temperature of the sleeper affects the firmness. Denser memory foam mattresses are firmer, which softens when it’s cold, making them body-conforming. Lighter memory foam is less heat sensitive and not firm when cold. When warmed up, a light memory foam won’t soften much like denser memory foam.
  • Gel Memory Foam: It enhances body support and absorbs and transfers heat to the added gel layer for cool and sound sleep at night.
  • Latex Foam: Latex is resilient, so more weight that is pushed down, the more a latex foam pushes back.
  • Coils or Springs: Generally, continuous coils are the firmest recommended for people who are extra heavy. Pocket coils are popular innerspring types because it minimizes motion transfer and with added conformity.
  • Hybrid: This type of mattress replaces the foam support core. It feels a bit softer than pocket coils.

Health Conditions

People who are suffering from medical conditions would require special considerations when choosing a mattress. For instance, people who have chronic back pain, like the elderly, sleep better in medium-firm memory foam. Those with postural problems would require good spine support like hybrid mattresses.


The most important considerations when choosing a mattress include your body weight, size, and shape, as well as the type of mattress material that best suits your needs. In addition, it’s important to consider the quality of the mattress and your health condition as well. In that way, you’ll achieve a good night’s sleep all the time.