How to Create the Perfect Room for a Good Nights Sleep

Good sleep has as much to do with your health as it does with your surroundings. Experts recommend at least seven to nine hours of sleep every night for adults under the age of 65.

Why getting a good night’s sleep important and what happens when you don’t have one

Many adults suffer from insomnia. Stress and poor health can lead to a lack of sleep, which in turn can raise stress levels and make matters even worse. Even what you eat can influence your sleep. However, another important factor is the room you sleep in. Sleeping in a cluttered room in a noisy environment can be incredibly stressful.

Children can also suffer from sleeping problems such as nightmares. Most children with attention deficit disorder have problems getting enough rest.

Sleep deprivation can affect your mood and make you feel irritated. In worse cases, it can cause obesity and depression. It can even lead to high blood pressure, heart failure or a stroke.

Take a break from your screen before sleep

Making sure you stop looking at screens before you go to bed, can improve your sleep. Relax before bed, take the time to read a book or do some journaling. Take your mind off the stress of the day. The Alaska Sleep Clinic recommends wearing loose-fitting clothing at night which can help with circulation and will allow your skin to breathe.

According to the ASC, a good material to choose is cotton, since it’s a lightweight natural fibre. Even wearing socks can have some benefits. Wearing comfortable clothes such as a cotton nightdress that make you feel relaxed can therefore be important to get adequate rest.

Improving your bedroom can help you sleep better

Imagine sleeping on light, fluffy pillows in crispy clean sheets in an airy bedroom with plenty of space. Now imagine a cramped room and a bed that feels too small or uncomfortable. It’s easy to guess which bedroom will give you a better sleep. That’s why it’s important not to underestimate your sleep environment and the effect that this can have on your health.

Scents like lavender can help you relax at night. Avoid noises from the TV or from your phone during the night and as you fall asleep. If the sound from the road bothers you, try to add some white noise. This can help block out unwanted sounds without adding more stress.

Another very effective method is meditation and yoga. Even the right temperature in your bedroom can be very important. According to some studies, the ideal temperature is about 60 to 67 degrees.

Sleep allows us to recover from the stress of the day. Make sure to take it seriously and allow yourself to relax as much as possible during the night.