3 Tips to Help You Design a Life You Love

Life design is a relatively new concept, but it’s rooted in the timeless belief that every person has the power to live an authentic and happy life. Each of us can create our own destiny based on our innate potential. This is easier said than done. Many of us struggle to identify our real needs and desires. Moreover, society pushes certain beliefs on us, which can cause confusion.

Being proactive about your life goals is essential for finding lasting happiness and satisfaction. So, here are three tips to help you design a life you love.

1. Learn More About Your Personality Type

As paradoxical as it may sound, people have a hard time telling what makes them happy. And without putting effort and time into self-discovery, finding fulfillment becomes a matter of luck or chance. The Ancient Greek saying “know thyself” will never stop being relevant. You cannot design a life you love until you know your true self and can thus make decisions that align with your core values, preferences, and needs.

An excellent way to speed up the self-discovery process is to learn more about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and discover your personality type. It is now widely accepted that we are born with certain personality traits that remain stable throughout our lives, and these traits dictate how we operate in the world. Your personality type affects your perception of life and defines your strengths and weaknesses.

The Myer-Briggs Type Indicator identifies 16 different personality types based on the following pairs of cognitive functions:

• introversion(I)/extroversion (E)
• sensation(S)/intuition (N)
• feeling (F)/thinking(T)
• judging (J)/perceiving (P)

Are you a sensitive, artistic introvert? You may be an ISFP. Are you an adventurous, easy-going, and spontaneous extrovert? You are probably an ENFP, so read more about the ENFP meaning to learn how your personality type affects your relationships and career. You will gain valuable insights that will help you feel more aligned with your authentic self.

2. Focus on Short- and Medium-Term Goals

No matter how well you understand your motivations and needs, you cannot expect these needs and motivations to remain the same over the years. A new experience can completely change your outlook on certain things. People leave homes, relationships, and jobs all the time, so setting rigid, long-term life goals can stop you from growing.

To design a life you love, offer your future self some flexibility. What if you stop loving or enjoying something? Being stuck in a situation that no longer brings you happiness or fulfillment can lead to resentment. The only way to avoid feeling stuck is to focus all your energy on small and medium-term goals. Thus, you can always veer in a different direction, if necessary, without feeling like you’ve wasted time.

Focusing on long-term goals can stop us from noticing great opportunities around us. It’s much better to remain open to new ideas and perspectives when planning our lives.

3. Define Your Priorities

No matter how much we’d want to achieve in life, time can be an obstacle. There’s only so much you can do in 24 hours. At some point, each person realizes they don’t have enough time and energy to accomplish everything they want. Thus, the need for prioritization becomes obvious.

Would you prefer a prestigious but highly demanding career or a stress-free job that allows you ample free time? Do you want to cultivate your relationships in your free time or pursue a solitary hobby? With every minor or major decision, you give up on an alternative, perhaps equally attractive option.

Defining your priorities is essential for finding peace of mind. What brings you the most joy and satisfaction? How much time and energy are you willing to invest into your career, health, social life, and relationships? Knowing your priorities will help you maintain a healthy work-life balance.

You may find yourself shifting focus at certain stages in life because there are moments when health, finances, or relationships become the main priority. Review your goals and expectations periodically to determine if you’re going in a direction that satisfies you.

Final Words

People have different expectations in life. Someone may be content with a peaceful existence in the countryside. Another person may only feel happy in a fast-paced metropolis. It is vital to distinguish between what you want and what society pushes forward in terms of success.

Designing a life that makes you happy will require creativity, resourcefulness, and willpower, but the sense of purpose is unparalleled. Nothing compares with the joy of going for what you truly want, even if it’s difficult.