How To Easily Engage More Of Your Clients And Coworkers

It is a fact that preparation and delivery are critical components of a successful presentation. Add visuals throughout your speech or pitch, and you will probably get a standing ovation.

Researchers have suggested that the majority, or 80 percent, of classroom learning is processed through visuals, so these have become a necessary tool for effective and engaging presentations. If you use them properly, visual aids can help your coworkers and clients connect to the topic.

There are plenty of visual aids, including graphs, charts, and diagrams, which can highlight your message. If your data is text-heavy, you can produce an engaging and even fun presentation by using these free diagram templates.


Before we proceed, some techniques can enhance your presentations with visuals.

Use a remote

Brilliant presenters carry remotes to advance their slides. These handy devices can be pretty effective as they usually contain features like a laser pointer, previous slide, etc. Not only that, they give you the freedom to move around the stage and make your presentation more fluid too.

Carry notes

To take away nervousness while talking to your boss or clients, you can use notes and place them where you can see the content. Write your notes in large fonts, so you can glance at them. You don’t want to be squinting your eyes in front of your boss.

Make eye contact

If you want to engage more with your audience, make eye contact with them. In this way, you will see if your audience understands your message based on their expressions.

Different Types of Diagram Templates and How to Use Them

There are several types of diagram templates on our website. Learn about them below!

1. Creative Venn Diagram for Possible Relationships


Photo source: Venngage

This creative Venn diagram shows an illustration of a relationship between different groups of items. Above is an example showing the possible shared features of each type of durian (a smelly yet nutritious fruit) preparation.

With this type of diagram, you can also include pictures relating to your object to make it less dull and colorful. You can go all the way with your creativity but don’t get too carried away that you might overdo your presentation with lots of objects.

2. Flowchart Design

A highly versatile visual aid, a creative flowchart can best describe a process and hierarchical data of objects or even help with brainstorming problems. Creating a creative flowchart design with Venngage is purely effortless. You can select from the predesigned templates and input your information in minutes. And to make it more appealing, you can edit the lines and shapes options that connect your data.

3. Triangular Diagram to Present Order of Data

Also known as the pyramid chart, a triangular diagram helps you present data according to order. Unlike a flowchart, it shows a hierarchy of steps or components of a whole that are only visually in the pecking order. With the example shown above, the creative triangular diagram indicates the top consumers down to decomposers through color and are labeled with icons.

To avoid confusion without striking out your creative juices, you must be consistent with your color palette and labeling.

Best Practices When Designing Venn Diagrams With Venngage

Now that you have seen the basic diagram templates that most presenters use, we can now proceed with how to make it more attractive and engaging. Below are the best practices to make diagrams look great, so read on!

Choose the Right Diagram

You have seen the examples above and learned the different purposes of each diagram. But when it comes to picking a specific type of editable diagram, you need to ensure that it matches your goal. If you miss this practice, you might lose your coworkers’ or clients’ attention and bring inferiority to your job or company.

Follow a Color Theme

While adding color to your diagrams can make your presentation attention-grabbing, too many color patterns will make it look messy and unprofessional. When choosing different shades of color, stick to three or four colors to preserve the readability of a chart or diagram. But if you want to use one color in your template, you can use different shades of the same color to indicate the relationship among other objects.

Don’t Neglect the Typography

To make your presentation clean, choose the right font and avoid artistic fonts. If you want to highlight information, you can use different font sizes or weights to look more professional. Consistency is one of the keys to a creative diagram.

Maintain a Balanced White Space

For an uncluttered presentation, make sure that you keep enough space between your objects. But don’t exaggerate or spread out your objects, just the right balance of white space to emphasize your elements.

Alignment is a Must

We cannot stress this enough: align your objects in your diagrams to make it easier to go over the information.

There we have it — the best tips when designing a diagram template and the different types of diagrams available. So, start creating today and make engaging infographics for your following discussion with your clients and coworkers.