How To Expand Your Employees Skill Set

If you own your own business, then you know how important it is to have your employees as highly trained as possible so they can do their best work.

One classic way of expanding your employee’s skill sets is by hosting workshops on relevant work topics.

Another simple way of helping your employees develop their skill set is by having them complete digital classes as part of their job requirements.

A final way of increasing your employee’s job competency is by using training Apps so they can learn constantly. This article will go over three main ways to expand your employees’ skill sets.


Workshops can be hosted by both internal employees and external professionals to teach your employees valuable skill sets. If you have a trainer or a training department you could always reach out to them as a cost-efficient way of putting a workshop together.

In-house training has the added benefit of allowing your employees to seek constant assistance from trainers if they are having trouble applying the skill they learned in the session. If your staff is busy or you have a smaller organization and prefer to outsource you can always hire a freelance presenter to host a training session.

These professionals make a living from doing such presentations so they will often provide dynamic training sessions that will produce a strong impact on your employee’s knowledge. If you do plan on having physical workshops to help your employees learn it’s a good idea to host them yearly so your staff can have the opportunity to brush up on their skills.

To make the event perfect, you should make sure you organize catering and drinks, hire a workspace for the workshop to take place in, and give your team – and anyone coming to speak to them – ID badges. You can arrange this through an ID badge printing service and it is definitely worthwhile as it will make the event feel much more serious and important.

Use Online Classes

In today’s digital era, there’s a multitude of training courses offered online. If you want to teach your employees how to effectively use software like Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint there are plenty of certified courses out there.

There are also many professional companies out there like the experts at that put together courses on a variety of workplace topics.

Sites like the one previously noted are excellent resources because they are a one-stop-shop for pretty much any skill you need your employees to learn. These types of classes are also great for your employees because they fit into pretty much any work schedule since they’re online-based.

This sort of learning medium can also help out your staff who may take more time to assimilate the information provided by allowing them to go back and review material. These online courses are also quintessential for judging your employee’s comprehension of the course through various quizzes or tests throughout each course.

Use Training Apps

Luckily, there are tons of apps on the market for pretty much any type of training. If you want your customer service representatives to start learning another language like French or Spanish to better serve your consumers try signing them up for a language learning App.

Alternatively, there are even apps out there that can help teach your employees better numerical skills which can help them think quickly on their feet when confronted with situations that require mental math. This type of training can also be extremely cost-efficient as sign-up fees for these kinds of apps are often just a handful of dollars and group deals can even be worked out with the app companies.

An added benefit of this means of learning is that your employees can learn pretty much anywhere, for instance, if they take public transit to commute to your location they can always learn on their ride. Learning through Apps is also very appealing to younger workers, but also can work exceptionally well for other age demographics as well.

A well-educated workforce is a well-performing workforce so training your employees to work more efficiently should be one of your primary priorities if you own a business. One very common way of improving your employees’ skill sets is by hosting workshops to teach them the required skills.

If you don’t wish to have physical classes for your employees you can always sign them up for online classes so they can complete the required course work at their own pace.

Another great way of improving your employee’s skills is by signing them up for educational training apps, so they can learn at their leisure anytime, any place. Now that you know of a few ways of improving your staff’s skill sets you can help them become better workers, which will in turn help you provide better service over the competition in whichever industry you may be in.