How To Find The Right Dietary Supplements For You

Have you decided to include dietary supplements in your diet? Are you not sure if you need to take supplements? Are you stuck on choosing what’s good and what’s not good? The answers to your questions regarding finding the right supplement are given in this article. Read on to find out how to make the decision easier for you.

Dietary supplements are taken to add nutrients to your body. These supplements also help manage health conditions and help lower the risk of contracting certain diseases.

Finding the right dietary supplement for you can prove to be tasking, especially with the many brands and types in the market. Many are available in the market, some of which include: multivitamins, fish oil, minerals, and amino acids. These supplements are available as capsules, tablets, drinks, gummies, among other forms. Below is a guide on how to find the right dietary supplements for you:

Check With Your Doctor

Consult your doctor on your desire to take supplements. Your doctor will help decide if you need it in the first place. The use of dietary supplements is dependent on your body’s state.

Have a blood test taken to determine your body’s deficiencies. The blood results guide the doctor on knowing the nutrients and vitamins that are low in your body. Your doctor can now prescribe the supplements you need to take to cater to the deficiency.

Check with your doctor if the supplements you want to take can affect any medications you are on. Some supplements, when mixed with some medications, can cause adverse side effects. Inform your doctor before undergoing surgery or when purchasing drugs from a pharmacy. Some supplements can interfere with surgeries by reducing the impact of anesthesia, among other risks.

Consulting your physician instead of self-medicating could help prevent an imbalance of vitamins and nutrients in your body. Combining some supplements could do more harm than benefit your body.

Buy From A Reputable Brand

Choose dietary supplements from reputable brands. Look for brands such as Tropical Oasis that have been in the market for a long time. Being long in the market isn’t a surety of quality, but it proves the brand to stay.

Ensure the brand is certified to sell the supplements. Buying from certified brands reduces the chances of purchasing counterfeit supplements that could adversely affect your health once ingested.

find right dietary supplements

Know Your Dietary Supplements

Familiarize yourself with the dietary supplements in the market and know the benefits of each. There are groups of vulnerable people in society that need those. Some of them are the aged, pregnant mothers, and people with deficiencies and various conditions like liver disease. These groups require different supplements.

Expectant mothers have a shortage of iron. It’s believed taking folic acid by pregnant women could help increase the iron levels in their blood. The aged may find it difficult to absorb vitamin B12 and D. They can get these nutrients from vitamin D supplements.

Knowing all can allow you to make the right decision on the dietary supplement to take. Consult your doctor if you’re not sure for better guidance.

Read Labels

Read labels of various supplements before purchasing. Check the ingredients. If you’re not sure what specific terms mean, research widely. Go for the listing of all the ingredients and not just the major ones. Knowing all the components will enable you to make an informed decision when buying the supplement. You could be allergic to some ingredients. Please don’t ignore any warnings on the label.

Avoid choosing supplements with additives. These additives could be questionable. If you want a vitamin C supplement, select one with pure vitamin C.

Check labels for third-party certifications and quality seals. It enables you to know if the supplement is fit for human consumption.

Check Dosages

Although dietary supplements are meant to better your health, excessive intake can cause adverse effects. Take a blood test with your doctor to determine your bioavailability. Bioavailability is the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. It will help your doctor determine the number of nutrients your body can utilize and handle in a given dosage.

Supplements have different dosages. A tablet or capsule could contain a higher or lower dosage of the vitamin. Based on your bioavailability and the dosage of a given pill, your doctor can prescribe your intake. If a tablet has a higher dosage, the doctor can ask you to take half the medication daily.

Checking dosages avoid side effects such as kidney stones caused by excessive vitamin D intake due to high calcium levels. Intake of excess vitamin C could cause nausea and headaches.

Avoid Brands Making Health Claims

Some brands make claims that their supplements heal diseases or can be taken in place of medicine. Such claims are ambiguous and can be misleading. Unless it’s FDA-approved, please don’t buy such products.

Choose Organic Supplements

Organic herbal supplements could be a good choice for you. These are purely natural, lowering the possibility of them being fake.

The only concern with organic supplements is the presence of contaminants in them, such as fertilizers. Choose your supplier from reputable and big brands to counter this concern. Reputed brands are often trusted since they’ve produced many supplements in the market, and health officials haven’t flagged them as unfit for human consumption.

Buy From A Reputable Source

Buy from a pharmacy and consult the attendant there. For a reputable source such as a pharmacy, the likelihood of selling unfit supplements is minimal, if not non-existent.

If buying online, buy from the brand’s specific website. If the preferred brand doesn’t have e-commerce services, order from a website known to sell legitimate products. Ask a friend or family for referrals on the best place to purchase your supplements.


Dietary supplements are beneficial to your body and for the betterment of your health. Remember that supplements, as the name suggests, are meant to supply your diet and not replace your diet.

Eat healthy and balanced diets filled with fiber to ensure you’re healthy. You shouldn’t take dietary supplements in place of any medication you’re taking. Always consult your doctor for you to make better and informed choices!