Best Summer Foods To Promote Gut Health & Digestion

The heat of summer may be obnoxious, but at least there’s the bounty of summer produce to cool us off. If you’re trying to keep your gut healthy by eating the right foods, you’ll find dozens of summer fruits and vegetables that promote well-being by providing the right nutrients. If you overindulge, try detoxification products or Gundry MD Bio Complete 3 to get back on track. Here are foods to try to keep your gut healthy.

Nutrients To Look For In Your Foods

Your digestive tract is full of bacteria. Some of these bacteria are bad, while others are good. To promote healthy digestion, you want the good bacteria to thrive and wipe out the bad bacteria.

Probiotics are the good live bacteria that support your immune system and fight the bad bacteria. You can find probiotics, such as Lactobacillus, in fermented foods and drinks, kombucha, yogurt and kefir.

Pre-biotics help your digestion by feeding the probiotics. Prebiotics are non-digestible parts of food that keep your system running smoothly. Prebiotics are found in fiber-rich foods, fruits and vegetables.

Summer Vegetables That Promote Gut Health

The summer growing season is the best time to enjoy green leafy vegetables, spinach, kale, beet or radish greens and collard greens. Health bacteria in your gut need the nutrients provided by green leafy vegetables, so enjoy those salads as a side dish with your BBQ.

Asparagus, broccoli and cauliflower have fiber that helps you stay regular. They’re also packed with antioxidants that keep you healthy. Asparagus is best when it’s freshly picked and lightly cooked. If you can find locally grown broccoli and cauliflower, it will still have all its nutrients and taste great.

Garlic, pepper and onions are also good for your body. They contain antioxidants to help fight disease and to promote gut health. When you combine fresh foods with an occasional digestive tract cleanse, you support your well-being.

Summer Fruits in Season to Promote Gut Health

Eating healthy in the summer is pretty easy when you choose fresh fruits and vegetables. Some fruits have more impact on your gut health than others. Here are some choices for superfruits:

• Peaches – these fruits taste best when at their ripest and eaten in just a few days. Peaches support cardiovascular health, provide fiber for your gut and help your skin retain moisture. For a special treat, grill your peaches and serve them with a little ice cream.

• Grapes – you might not think about all the vitamins and minerals in grapes, but they are packed full of nutrients that support your microbiome. Grapes are good in sweet dishes, but they pair well with pork and chicken in savory foods, too.

• Blueberries – these little berries are nutritional powerhouses, providing vitamin C and K, as well as a wealth of antioxidants. One cup of blueberries has 14% of your daily fiber requirement.

• Avocadoes – an avocado is actually a stone fruit, like the peach or nectarine. Avocadoes are known to be good for gut health. They’re perfectly good in savory preparations, but they can work in desserts, too.

Go ahead and indulge in your favorite fresh fruits and vegetables this summer. Learn more about how to get rid of a stomach ache in 5 minutes for times when you aren’t feeling your best.