How to Get Rid of Ants for Good

Are you sick of seeing ants everywhere in your house? If so, you’re not alone. Ants are one of the most common household pests and can be very difficult to get rid of.

The good news is that there are a few things you can do to get rid of ants for good. In this article, we’ll give you some tips on how to get rid of ants and keep them from coming back.

Identify the Type of Ant

One of the first things you need to do when trying to get rid of ants is to identify the type of ant you’re dealing with. There are more than 12,000 species of ants in the world, so this can be a difficult task. However, there are only a few species that commonly invade homes. These include carpenter ants, pharaoh ants, odorous house ants, and pavement ants. Once you’ve identified the type of ant, you can better target your extermination efforts.

Carpenter ants are one of the most common types of ants that invade homes. They get their name from their habit of tunneling through wood to build their nests. These ants are typically black or red and can be up to ½ inch long.

Pharaoh ants are another common type of ant found in homes. They’re small, yellowish-brown ants that are only about ⅛ inch long. Odorous house ants get their name from the fact that they give off a foul odor when crushed. These ants are dark brown or black and are about ¼ inch long. Pavement ants are small, black ants that commonly build their nests in cracks in pavement or sidewalks.

Find the Nest

Once you’ve identified the type of ant, you need to find their nest. This can be a difficult task, as ants can build their nests just about anywhere. However, there are a few places you can check. For carpenter ants, look for small piles of sawdust near wood that has been chewed through. Pharaoh ants typically build their nests in dark and humid areas, such as behind baseboards or under furniture.

Odorous house ants often build their nests in walls or soil near foundations. Pavement ants typically build their nests in cracks in pavement or sidewalks.

If you’re having trouble finding the nest, you can try setting out some bait. Place some food that ants like (such as honey or sugar) on a plate and wait to see if ants come to it. Once they do, follow them back to their nest.

Choose Your Extermination Method

Once you’ve found the nest, you can choose your extermination method. There are a variety of methods you can use, including baits, traps, and sprays.

Baits are a popular choice for getting rid of ants. They work by attracting ants with food and then killing them with poison. There are a variety of baits available at most hardware stores.

Traps are another popular choice for ant extermination. Ant traps typically contain bait that attracts ants and then kills them when they enter the trap. Ant traps can be bought at most hardware stores.

Sprays are a less popular choice for ant extermination, but they can be effective. Insecticide sprays can kill ants on contact. However, they can also be harmful to humans and pets if used incorrectly. If you decide to use a spray, be sure to read the label carefully and follow the directions.

Prevent Future Infestations

Once you’ve gotten rid of the ants, you need to take steps to prevent them from coming back. One way to do this is to keep your house clean. Ants are attracted to food and dirt, so keeping your house clean will help discourage them from returning. Be sure to sweep up any crumbs and wipe down surfaces where food has been prepared or eaten. You should also vacuum regularly to pick up any crumbs or dirt that may have been missed.

Another way to prevent ants from returning is to seal up any cracks or holes in your house. Ants can enter your house through the smallest of openings, so it’s important to make sure there are no entry points for them. Check around doors and windows and caulk or seal any cracks or holes you find. You should also check screens and make sure they are free of holes.

If you have a problem with ants, don’t despair. There are a variety of effective methods you can use to get rid of them. And with a little effort, you can keep them from coming back.