The Dos and Don’ts of Hearing Aids Maintenance and Care

Millions of Americans are currently dealing with at least some level of hearing loss. Some experience this issue from birth whereas others find it happens with age. For both, hearing aids can significantly improve their quality of life. Proper hearing aid maintenance and care are essential for ensuring these helpful devices last as long as possible.

Tips for Proper Hearing Aid Maintenance

First of all, consider the following hearing aid care measures. Before handling your hearing aids, wash and dry your hands thoroughly. That’ll minimize dirt and moisture transfer and the damage they can cause. It’ll also keep germs at bay to prevent ear infections.


Regularly cleaning your hearing aids is crucial. It’ll remove earwax, dirt, moisture, and other substances that could detract from a hearing aid’s functionality. Use a soft, dry cloth or specially designed cleaning brush for the best results. Consider purchasing a hearing aid cleaning kit. These kits come with brushes, wax removal tools, safe cleaning solutions, and other essential tools.

Proper Storage

It’s also important to store your hearing aids correctly when you’re not using them. Be sure to keep them in their protective cases to keep out dust, moisture, and other hazards. Besides that, if they’re stored in their cases in a dedicated spot, you’ll always be able to find them when you’re ready to use them again.

Battery Replacement and Charging

Charging your hearing aids or replacing their batteries when necessary is important as well. Always use the right batteries and be sure they’re inserted correctly. Storing your hearing aids in their cases and keeping them in a cool, dry place with help prevent battery corrosion. If your hearing aids are rechargeable, only use chargers that are designed to be used with them.

Avoid Moisture and Extreme Temperatures

Avoiding moisture is also crucial. Remove your hearing aids before showering or swimming. Water can damage hearing aids, and moisture creates a breeding ground for germs, mildew, and other dangers. Keeping them dry to ward off those problems. At the same time, store your hearing aids away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures to further protect them.

On top of those measures, be sure to schedule regular visits with your audiologist. He or she can make sure your hearing aids remain in optimal shape and give you additional tips for addressing problems you may be facing. Those check-ups can also ensure you’re getting the most benefits from your hearing aids.

What Not to Do

That brings us to what you shouldn’t do when taking care of your hearing aids. For one, never use harsh chemicals or cleaning agents on them. Secondly, don’t forget to turn them off when you’re not using them. Additionally, you shouldn’t ignore ear wax buildup or use improper techniques for removing it. Only use appropriate tools and guidance from your audiologist when removing ear wax.

You shouldn’t expose hearing aids to haircare products, either. Hairspray, gel, and similar substances can clog hearing aids’ microphones and detract from their effectiveness. That type of buildup is particularly difficult to remove, too. If you notice feedback or sound distortion, don’t assume it’s normal; contact your audiologist for repairs or adjustments.

Keeping Your Hearing Aids in Optimal Condition

If you use hearing aids, keeping all these tips in mind is essential. Proper care and maintenance can help keep your hearing aids in optimal condition. That way, they’ll always be working properly when you need them. If you ever experience problems with your hearing aids, don’t hesitate to contact your audiologist for help.