10 Reasons Your Business Should Hire An Answering Service

Even with chatbots, email, and online messaging, an answering service is as important as ever. Customers still expect to call a company directly, and the average receptionist can cost your business upwards of $38,000 a year.

Answering service (sometimes referred to as a call center) can save companies money by outsourcing the traditional job of secretaries and receptionists. If you are considering hiring an answering service business, consider these top ten benefits of hiring an answering service company.

1. Never Miss a Call

If you are relying on an answering machine or intermittent help from staff to catch calls, you could be missing out on sales calls, which are the lifeblood of your company. Communications are commonly performed online, but many customers prefer a direct call. The majority of people over 55 prefer traditional phone calls to texts and other passive forms of communication.

2. Take Calls When Your Business Is Closed

If you are not taking calls on weekends or evenings, you are not providing your customers with the call times they may prefer. Your answering service could cover the spread between business hours to allow you to reach more customers.

3. Free Up Time for Your Employees

Few things are more disrupting than a random phone call. Cut the disruptive calls and allow your workers to focus on their jobs by hiring an answering service business.

4. Enjoy Personalized Service

Hiring a call center directory allows you to customize your services. No two businesses are completely alike, and answering services understand that your needs will be unique.

5. Ease the Burden on HR

Answering services monitor the performance of their employees, so you don’t have to. It’s just one added value to working with an outside company that specializes in taking calls.

6. Grow Your Business’ Footprint

Having a call center gives the impression that large departments staff your company. Even if you have a dozen or so employees, utilizing a call center can boost your brand perception.

7. Read Your Messages from Anywhere

Voice messages can be relayed as text messages or emails. This can allow your staff to handle communications in a convenient format; if you are looking for a compilation of phone answering service providers, clear here to learn more.

8. Free Trials

Many companies offer free trial periods so you can test out the benefits of hiring an answering service. During this trial period, you can call “yourself” to see how the answering service employees handle your calls.

9. Enjoy the Benefits of a 1-800 Number

Having a custom 1-800 number lets customers know that you are serious about business. Having an outsourced phone number also means that you no longer have to pay for a landline for your office, which can free you to rely on your cell.

10. Answer Calls Promptly

Answering machines can be a real turnoff for your customers. Most people are busy these days and want fast results. A phone answering service allows your company to address customer questions instantly.

Hire an Answering Service Today

Having an answering service frees resources and gives customers what they want — prompt service. Consider giving an answering service a trial run to see if it is a good fit for you to start an llc.

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