9 Everyday Hacks You Can Use to Improve Your Memory

Having memory issues? Missing out on opportunities or important events because you didn’t set a reminder?

It can get frustrating, especially when you forget something that is going to make a difference in your life. Even something as simple as a birthday or anniversary could skip your mind and eventually cause an awkward situation for you. With increasing advancements in technology and more and more distractions surfacing every day, the general capacity for focus and memory in people has reduced significantly.

The problem lies in the fact that there’s always so much to do and so many things to remember, so it gets difficult to keep track of everything and not miss out on details. However, if you do, know that it’s perfectly human and errors can happen to anyone.

How to Improve Your Memory

Hence, to avoid such situations and keep your forgetfulness at bay, there are some “life hacks” that can make an actual difference.

1. Try almonds

Yes, almonds. For years people have believed that dry fruits and nuts are extremely healthy, not just for the body but also for the mind. Almonds contain Vitamin A which is known to be beneficial for the nervous system. These wonder nuts are known to have amazing benefits for the body, including improved eyesight, memory power, and concentration.

Soak a handful of almonds in water at night, peel them in the morning and have them before you go to work. Even pure almond milk can be a good substitute for regular milk and can be had with breakfast or just before sleeping. These are very good for the health and also taste great. If you don’t want to consume them as is, you can also blend them with some milk to make a tasty shake or add them to a bowl of cereal and you’re good to go!

2. Sticky notes

Sticky notes are extremely handy and useful, especially when you want to keep track of things to do for the day but have too much to deal with on your plate already. Colorful sticky notes actually grab your attention easily and are also great for writing things like names of people and places down.

In any case, putting sticky notes around your home will remind you to do a particular task when you come across it. Sticky notes are also useful when you want to remind someone else to remember something for you. Also, use bold letters to write your message down and they would be quite hard to miss!

3. Make a song about it

Let’s say you have a very important list of things that you absolutely cannot forget, but your memory has failed you in the past. What do you do? Add a little spin of fun to it and memorize it like a song!

Studies have shown that most people don’t have difficulty remembering song lyrics because the rhythm of tune registers in the mind and the brain is wired to remember it better. Firstly, you need to listen to music at least for some time each day, as practice, then start listing out your daily chores and turn it into a rhyme that you won’t forget! So, next time you visit a grocery store, hum your own song and you won’t forget a single thing!

4. Have a trusted buddy

We all have that one friend who is always there for us, come rain or shine, and we can trust them with anything. So, identify that trusted buddy of yours and trust them with reminding you about something. It could be a very important call to make or an item that you absolutely must buy but a tight schedule is making it hard for you to keep a track on things.

If you’re someone who forgets people’s names easily or even birthdays and anniversaries, you can use their help to remember when it matters most. All you have to do is ask your friend to give you a call or ping you and keep you reminded of it. Of course, you can return the favor for them when they need it too, and it’s a win-win for everyone.

5. Use alarms as reminders

Just a basic reminder can sometimes be missed because they’re easier to swipe off the screen and could just get lost in a long list of notifications. Alarms, on the other hand, will always pop up even if you snooze them and are bound to grab your attention.

That’s why when you set an alarm, keep the “label” as a reminder of something you need to do as soon as you wake up. Also, let your alarm tune be loud enough so that you can never miss it. So, your alarm is doing two jobs – waking you up and helping your memory as well!

6. Memory games

There are plenty of memory games that you can download or buy from a store. There are also a number of online games and mobile apps that are designed to improve memory and cognitive skills in general. These are not just like boring exercises for the mind; they’re fun and are great for a laid-back night when you have nothing else to do.

You can also play group memory games and turn it into a fun event. Memory games have been designed especially to test your remembering abilities and also train your mind to get better and more efficient with it. It’s the perfect combination of having fun while getting things done too!

7. Meditate

Many times, our minds are cluttered with too many things which eventually lead to us become tired, fatigued and too stressed to remember anything. As a result, plans get delayed and important things are forgotten. Hence, learn to say goodbye to stress sometimes and just meditate.

The most important thing is to declutter the mind and release tension whenever possible. Meditation is a tool that can help you stay relaxed and calm and this gives your brain enough rest to just gather itself and start putting two and two together again. Even yoga combined with meditation can be a therapeutic session for your mind and make you feel rejuvenated and replenished. Nootrina.com has a comprehensive infographic about anxiety causes and relief. Do check that out.

8. Write it down

If you’re well aware of the extent of your forgetfulness, carry a little notepad with you or use the one on your phone. The minute a plan is made or someone says something to you that you might have to remember at a later date, write it down that very instant. This way, you know that you’ve written it down for future reference and you don’t have to worry about forgetting it.

In fact, the act of writing something down has this effect of imprinting itself on the mind and staying there. The minute you come across something important and know that it might slip your mind, jot it down that very instant and save yourself the trouble of raking your mind later on.

9. Make a weekly timetable

A timetable has so many benefits; it can be used to make a chart, plan things out, or even make meal plans and keep lists for various purposes. You can make a bigger chart and just hang it on your wall and even make a checklist that you can tick off as you complete each task.

These will help you with organizing yourself better and also prioritising your set of tasks each day. Customize your schedule and you’ll be surprised to see how much you’ll remember!


Memory problems are not a new thing; a lot of people complain about not being able to remember much, thereby eventually getting themselves into unfavorable situations.

Usually, it’s stress or just lethargy that can cause you to forget things easily or remember things only in fragments. So, pull a pen and paper out or get creative and try new remedies to train your brain to never forget!