How to Increase Your Brand Awareness: Handy Strategies

The success or failure of your business is, in most cases, tied intimately to the reach of your brand. If your potential customers are able to recognise your brand and link it to a need that they have, then they’ll be much more likely to make a purchase. Visibility, therefore, matters.

Maximising your reach often means using a diverse range of channels. This way, you’ll reach a diverse range of people. But getting the message itself right is also crucial. Let’s think about a few ways in which you might bolster your brand awareness.

Maximise Your Social Media Presence

The importance of social media is often difficult to overestimate. Research your target market and determine which networks they’re using and place your emphasis there accordingly. For certain age ranges, for example, Facebook might be more important than TikTok.

Don’t Neglect Real-World Ads

Your marketing focus should not be wholly online; real-world advertisements can pack a punch, too, especially if the reach of your business is local. Promoting your business with custom posters can help get your marketing across effectively in an eye-catching and memorable way.

Develop Your Brand’s Voice

Maintaining a consistent voice for your brand will help to reinforce your identity and persuade your customers that they can rely on a certain way of doing things. Much like the appeal of McDonalds would be diminished if a Big Mac tasted different from restaurant to restaurant, you should focus on refining a tone-of-voice and providing style guides so that all of your writers and your social media team know exactly what to do.

Use Native Advertising

A native advert is something designed to match the look and feel of the media alongside which it’s placed. The theory here is that ads of this kind don’t look intrusive – or, even like ads in the first place. You might compare them to the ‘advertorial’ format you find in some magazines.

Use Ads

Running paid-for adverts on Instagram and Facebook will yield measurable results – and you’ll pay for the traffic you actually get, rather than just for putting the ad there. If you’re looking to launch the brand, or a particular product, then ads of this kind might provide exactly the springboard you need.

Partner with Influencers

Influencers are so-called for a reason: they’re influential. Get in touch with the influencers in your niche and see if you can set up partnerships with them. You might gift them certain products in order to get favourable coverage in return.