How You Can Change Your Kitchen To Incorporate Your Jewish Faith

Whether it’s through holidays or everyday life, the Jewish faith is a constant presence inside any Jewish household. It can therefore be a good idea to appropriately display the meaning it has to your life within the home itself. There are many ways you can do this but, as with all home décor, it can be a good starting point to focus on a particular room and work out how you can elevate it.

As many people know, a lot of the Jewish faith revolves around food. Whether it’s the Sabbath, Rosh Hashanah or Passover, food is always utilised to bring communities together and commemorate the ancestors of the past.

Over recent years, the kitchen has become more than just a place to prepare this food. It is now the hub of the home; a place where the family comes together to cook, eat and talk. This is what makes it the best starting point.

But How Exactly Do You Infuse Your Faith In This Room?

If you do not have a dining room, then the kitchen is the best place to sit down as a family to eat in the evening. You would be surprised, however, how many households don’t have an appropriate dining space.

It is important in the Jewish religion to make the space big enough for families to come together during the holidays, so (if you can afford it) it’s a great idea to renovate your kitchen to involve a fully-fledged dining area. That way, once the next holiday comes around, you have the ability to put your hand up as a host and invite everyone to come together to celebrate.

The Table Should Be Well Equipped

Once you have done this, then the next step in displaying your Jewish faith is through equipping your dining table appropriately. If you take a look online you can find beautiful dining sets based on Judaica from Israel, perfect for adding some sparkle to the tabletop and giving a luxurious feeling to every holiday celebration.

As well as this, you can get a number of candles that will give your space a warm and cozy feel. This will be especially important during Shabbat, where you should avoid using electrical light, but it will also help avoid the more clinical atmosphere that kitchens typically possess.

Bring Your Décor To The Kitchen Counters

Although the dining area is an important part of your Jewish kitchen, you shouldn’t simply leave it there. Try to decorate your kitchen countertops with more candles, spice boxes and other dining-based ornaments. As well as this, it can be a good idea to get a book for amazing Jewish recipes (either everyday recipes or recipes specific to holidays) and place it on a stand.

Not only is this practical, but it is also a neat but effective feature that can give your kitchen a bit more elegance and style. Just watch out, your kids will likely turn the page to the dessert section to give you a little nudge!