3 Common Mental Illnesses Among Students & How To Deal With Them

Every day, we face a lot of stress: college tasks, job duties, household problems, financial difficulties, and relationship issues. In addition, the modern student lives in constant information noise. We are influenced by social networks, disturbing news, instability, and high expectations of society. All this becomes a fertile ground for mental disorders.

No doubt, it might be hard to forget about all worries when the college load is huge. Then, students think, “I need someone from writepaper to write my paper for me to free some time and relax a bit.” Luckily, there are great essay writing platforms available online, which allow learners to take a break and make their mental health a priority.

In this article, we have collected the causes, symptoms, and treatments for the most common mental illnesses. Please note that they all require professional treatment and a timely visit to a specialist will help avoid adverse consequences.

1. Panic Attacks

Many students admit that they go through anxiety and inexplicable fear combined with somatic symptoms. Such an attack lasts from a few minutes to several hours. On average, it takes about half an hour. Some claim they experience panic attacks 1-2 times a month or even several times a day.

The development of symptoms is related to specific situations of great discomfort. This may be a flight or a trip on a crowded bus, being in a confined place, etc. Doctors are still researching panic attacks. However, there is one thing they know for sure – this disorder is a result of serious stress or/and shock.


  • unreasonable fear and panic;
  • difficulty breathing and elevated heart rate;
  • the spinning sensation;
  • numbness in the extremities.

To treat panic attacks, one needs to turn to a psychotherapist. Such a specialist teaches how to overcome unreasonable fear. There might also be a drug treatment that depends on the severity of the disease. You must eliminate all stimulants from your daily life (alcohol, caffeine, and so on) to reduce the risks. 

Moreover, it’s crucial to avoid stress and create a relaxed, peaceful environment. Try to dedicate more time to activities that make you feel calm and secure.

2. Anxiety

We all experience anxiety before some important events. But sometimes, this feeling occurs for no specific reason. The causes of anxiety are many: negative emotional experiences, the unhealthy atmosphere at school or work, post-traumatic stress, low self-esteem, and so on.

Anxiety symptoms are similar to those experienced with a panic attack:

  • shortness of breath;
  • chest pain;
  • elevated heart rate;
  • dizziness, tremor;
  • weakness, nausea;
  • disorientation.

At the same time, a person is tortured by thoughts that something terrible is about to happen (“I’ll fall,” “I can’t breathe,” “The car will fall off the bridge now,” etc.). As a result, students with anxiety limit themselves in many ways, avoiding usual everyday situations. Trying to gain a sense of security and stability, they significantly lower the quality of their lives.

Traditionally, psychotherapy is effective for patients with anxiety, and group activities help relieve tension in particular.

As for preventing the illness, doctors recommend getting more rest and sleep. Physical exercise is extremely necessary as adrenaline is released. Thus, one is less likely to have unreasonable anxiety. Auto-training, breathing practices, and yoga also have a positive effect on mental health.

3. Depression

This illness is related to various emotional problems. People with depression experience melancholy, anxiety, and guilt. They are unable to be glad and pleased. Another common difficulty is apathy – in this case, a person experiences neither negative nor positive emotions. 

People with depression can find it hard to concentrate and make decisions. They have dark thoughts about the surrounding world and themselves. The behavior of depressed people is passive – they strive to avoid human interactions or entertainment and feel tired all the time. 

The causes of depression are never straightforward. Most often, it appears as a result of burnout or constant failures (be it in studying, work, or romantic relationships). Then, a person is desperate due to the inability to influence the course of life in any way. There might also be an emotional trauma: death of a loved one, breakup, loneliness, or being away from home. 

Sometimes, depression is expressed only through somatic symptoms:

  • sleep problems (difficulty falling asleep, fitful sleep, or vice versa, increased somnolence);
  • changes in appetite and weight (they may decrease or increase greatly);
  • chronic fatigue and the inability to restore energy;
  • headache, stomachache, and back pain. 

To identify the disease, experienced specialists use short questionnaires. These screening tools help analyze the symptoms, including anxiety, anhedonia (loss of pleasure), and suicidal thoughts. This way, doctors see whether the patient has chronic depression and what form and severity it has. 

The key methods of dealing with the disease are medical treatment and psychotherapy.

As for prevention, movement (daily walks in the fresh air or any physical activity) is known to be one of the best antidepressants. The reason is simple – exercise makes the brain release endorphins.

Also, think about your diet since some foods have natural ingredients to prevent mood swings and restore well-being.

Be aware that depression isolates – it makes people avoid any communication. Don’t let it destroy your willingness to see your friends and meet new people.

Another important step is to turn to activities that encourage creativity. These may be anything that brings your joy – be it music, art, dance, or aromatherapy. 

To Sum Up

Life in 2021 is difficult for bodies and minds, especially for those people who live in a megapolis. 

Fortunately, mental problems can be prevented if taking care of your health (both physical and mental) is a part of your everyday routine. Plus, you should never hesitate to ask for help. Even if you don’t have the abovementioned problems, talking to a professional will help identify your tendencies and keep your mental state healthy is a good idea.