Can You Rely On Online Psychiatry?

A number of people would rather not be stuck in a room with a psychiatrist or drive all the way to their psychiatrist’s office for a one-hour session. Some simply lack the energy to do so, while others are held back by anxiety or other mental disorders that prevent them from seeking traditional psychiatric help.

Take, for example, people living with agoraphobia, an anxiety disorder characterized by the fear of leaving the house in avoidance of situations or places they perceive to be unsafe. This could be public transit or shopping areas, and sometimes even a barking dog. It would be nearly impossible for this individual to leave their house for grocery shopping, let alone seek the help they need.

What Is Online Psychiatry?

Despite the many barriers, there’s no need to worry. The digital age has enabled more straightforward ways of doing things, and the medical sector has not fallen behind. Today, you can seek mental help through the internet thanks to mental health sites such as BetterHelp, which offers live chat sessions with a counselor or therapist.

Unfortunately, most people are not familiar with online psychiatry or are not too sure about its effectiveness.

Online psychiatry entails having sessions with a psychiatrist via the internet instead of meeting them in person. Ideally, you would receive help from the professional through your smartphone, computer, tablet, or any other communication device with access to the internet. All you will need is a private room free of any noise and disruptions, a reliable internet connection, and you’re ready to go!

Is Online Psychiatry Effective?

Admittedly, the only difference between online and traditional psychiatry is the setting. Basically, you would be having sessions with a traditional psychiatrist, but not in the conventional environment. Therefore, one will receive all the required services through video chats and texts.

In other words, you can open up, ask questions, feel heard, and receive emotional therapy just like you would in a psychiatrist’s office. As such, online psychiatry is as effective as the traditional setting gets.

What Are the Benefits of Online Psychiatry?

On top of that, the most efficient aspect of online psychiatry is that it solves a problem for many sufferers who could not seek help because of their symptoms. The arduous task of calling to make an appointment with a receptionist, getting ready, paying for transport or gas, and leaving the comfort of your home is a thing of the past.

Some people don’t seek professional help since they can’t bear going through this process or incurring the costs that come with traditional psychiatric care, even when they desperately need help.

Besides, via online psychiatry, you can get help wherever and whenever. During emergencies, such as when you have a mental breakdown on weekends, you would not have to wait to make an appointment. You’d simply reach out to an online psychiatrist for help.

Online psychiatry also enables you to be more open with the mental health professional since you can’t feel nervous about opening up to them via message or call. Additionally, online psychiatry has also come in handy amid the ongoing pandemic since people can continue to seek professional help even during a mandatory lockdown or in between the need to reduce exposure to the virus.

Final Thoughts

If you seek online rather than traditional psychiatric help, you must ensure the website you choose is reputable. Selecting a good psychiatrist online is just as important as the one you would choose for in-person sessions, which is mostly dependent on the site you choose. To avoid seeking help in the wrong places, read about the best online therapy programs of 2020.