Why You Should Start a Parent-Child Book Club

Encouraging kids to read a book these days can be a real struggle for many parents given the fact that mobile devices usually take much of the kid’s attention. Besides, reading a piece of book in which the content is not as animated as the one that they see on tablets or iPads may give them an impression that such activity won’t be as interesting as parents perceive it to be.

This is why as soon as you notice your child starting to possess those reading-readiness skills, consider starting a parent-child book club right away. Why? Check out the following reasons:

Reading to your child helps raise his or her IQ

Starting a parent-child book club greatly helps raise intelligent kids. A 2013 study showed that when parents read to their children in an interactive way, it raises the latter’s IQ level by as much as 6 points. The more conversations that parents have with their children, the smarter they become.

The people behind Literati Kid’s Books reveal that the best thing about starting a parent-child book club is the fact that you will get to meet other parents and children who will also be spending time for interactive reading with their children. This makes the entire process less boring and more exciting not just for kids but for parents as well.

Book clubs foster parent-child relationships

Starting a parent-child book club will give families a wholesome avenue for conversation, parent-child interaction and communication. When parents take the time to read with their children and share each other’s thoughts about what they’ve just read, it gives children the impression that what they think or believe deserves to be listened to and are just as important as those shared by adults around them.

The book club will serve as a safe haven for parents and their children to actually share their experiences without the fear of being judged, ridiculed or reprimanded. This jumpstarts the development of trust for each other while also paving the way for open communication to take place both inside and outside the book club.

Book clubs boost social skills

When parents and children start a book club, reading becomes more of a social activity rather than just something that one does all alone during his leisure time. Keep in mind that a book club, just like any other clubs, also promotes social interaction between people from all walks of life.

In a book club, children will be able to express their opinion about what they have learned from the book in a more confident manner. It also allows them to learn more from other children and parents’ opinions. Everybody can share their ideas thus developing their ability to socialize.

Book clubs allow kids to learn valuable skills

When parents and their children join a book club, they will be able to learn several valuable skills that they could use for life. With the help of their parents, children will be able to learn about how to properly participate in a group discussion.

They will learn when to listen, when to share their ideas, take turns and even when to butt in. As children become more exposed to group conversations, they will also learn how to show respect for other people’s opinions.

Book clubs encourage maturity among children

Since book clubs also grow with the children, after a year or even a few months of being in a book club, children will immediately develop their self-confidence and maturity. This may not come as a surprise given the fact that they always get the chance to discuss different topics with parents and other adult individuals.

They also learn about self-reflection which helps them become better decision-makers compared to other children of the same age. Since book clubs give families the chance to invite other members into their homes, children also learn the responsibilities of inviting guests. They learn what and how to prepare and realize the importance of maintaining home cleanliness.

Book clubs develop thinking skills

Starting a book club will help develop the children’s thinking skills. When parents read to their children and engage in a conversation with them, children will be able to understand the relationship between cause and effect, while also learning to exercise logic when sharing their thoughts about a certain topic. Children will also learn to think in abstract terms. Plus, their stock knowledge about the basics of right and wrong will also be developed faster than other children who do not spend much time reading books.

Starting a book club is much like preparing yourselves to travel to a world filled with all sorts of adventure. Yes, because book clubs expose parents and children to different worlds other than what they’ve grown into. Remember, you don’t have to be really good at reading to be able to join. All it takes is a heart that’s willing to learn with other parents and children.