The Positive Effects of Testosterone in Athletes

For men, testosterone plays a key role in the development of their reproductive tissues, as well as in their sperm cell count. Because of this, testosterone is often associated with a man’s sex drive and reproductive system. However, it is often overlooked that testosterone also affects bone and muscle mass buildup, which is important for athletes in general.

In line with this, below are some of the positive effects of testosterone, particularly for athletes.

Muscle Buildup

One of the primary positive effects of testosterone in athletes is an increased muscle mass. With a leaner body, athletes will be able to control their weight and move better. For instance, a football player with a lean body will be able to move faster compared to another player with more body fat.

More muscle mass will also provide athletes with the strength that they need to get through their sport, such as weightlifters who need to be capable of lifting heavyweights. However, there are instances wherein male athletes may encounter low testosterone levels.

For this reason, some undergo testosterone therapy. Others take in Nugenix testosterone booster to help them combat this problem and ensure that their testosterone is at a healthy level. The latter is a natural testosterone boosting supplement that merely stimulates the body’s testosterone production, making it the perfect option for athletes such as bodybuilders.

Stronger Bone

Another positive effect of testosterone in athletes is stronger bones which are essential in the development of their endurance. This can be attributed to the fact that testosterone contributes to bone mineral density, which naturally decreases as the testosterone level of a man lowers down when they age.

Because athletes are often subjected to stressful physical situations, they need to have strong bones that will get them through their sport. Some take in supplements to ensure that they get the vitamins and minerals they need to have strong bones. With strong bones, athletes will have a good performance because their muscles and internal organs are properly supported.

Enhanced Cognitive Abilities

Testosterone can also contribute to enhanced cognitive abilities, which is important as athletes constantly need to think of their next move or play strategy to win in their games to be successful in their sport. There are various research studies that associate testosterone levels with critical thinking abilities such as verbal memory and faster processing. This is why athletes need to have a healthy testosterone level to support their brain functions.

For instance, it is not enough for a boxer to be physically fit and healthy, but he needs to have the presence of mind as well to anticipate the next move of his opponent and act accordingly, or even be a couple of steps ahead to ensure his win. This is also the case for other sports such as tennis or volleyball wherein an athlete needs to be able to plan for their next game strategy before their opponent can even make their move.

Improved Mood

Athletes who have a positive outlook and an improved mood are most likely to achieve success in their chosen field. However, a low testosterone level can lead to symptoms of depression, fatigue, and irritability. Thus, athletes experiencing these symptoms are not able to excel in their sports, let alone function properly.

In these instances, some are advised to undergo testosterone therapy along with other antidepressant treatments. Research shows that among those who underwent this process, almost 80% showed an improved mood and overall well-being.

Healthy Heart

Athletes need to have a healthy heart that efficiently pumps blood to the rest of their body to provide oxygen to their muscles and organs, helping an athlete achieve peak performance in his sport.

Research indicates that testosterone enhances red blood cell production, particularly in the bone marrow. Alongside an ideal weight and body mass index, a healthy heart can be achieved with a sufficient testosterone level, which proves to be a significant factor. This is because there are studies that show that a low testosterone level can be linked to various cardiovascular risks.

A man needs to have a sufficient testosterone level, particularly when he is an athlete to reap its positive effects on the body. In case you are experiencing a symptom of a low testosterone level, then don’t fret because there are numerous ways on how you will be able to bring it back up into a normal and healthy level.

Nevertheless, treatment is often unnecessary if your testosterone level is within a normal range. The key is in getting the advice of your doctor and maintaining a healthy lifestyle to ensure that you are in the best condition to excel in your sport.