The Cost of Princess Cut Diamonds

When you shop at Rare Carat, you will see that Princess Cut Diamonds cost as much as $359 and as low as $355. It is evident you will always get good quality from Rare Carat diamonds especially when it is Princess cut we are talking about.

Take Advantage of Sales

When you see some Rare Carat princess cut diamonds on sale, you should take advantage of them sooner rather than later. Besides, it is not often that these products are on sale. It won’t do you any harm to subscribe to the newsletter of Rare Carat so that you will know right away when the next sale is.

In fact, when you see the prices of the products on the website, you will find out if they are having a sale or not. It does not mean the products that are on sale have low value though. You can expect items that are on sale to run out fast, especially when the discount is big. if the discount is just around $10 then you can always say to yourself you will save money one way or the other.

After all, there will be times when you will suddenly need extra cash for instances you never really expected to happen.

Common Flaws

Believe it or not, it is quite common for Rare Carat Asscher cut diamonds to have flaws. Besides, they have four corners so you will come across some flaws one way or the other. Since these diamonds have four corners, don’t be surprised if your hair gets snagged all the time. It is one of those things you need to get used to when you purchase princess-cut diamonds.

When your hair gets snagged all the time, the edges of the diamonds can get chipped away. You may not notice it at first but as time passes by, you will find out you will need to do something about it sooner rather than later. It will definitely be another thing when a diamond you bought would suddenly affect your daily activities. It is like you will need to adjust to it when the going gets tough.

You can be sure Rare Carat will give you some tips though. After all, they’re not known as one of the best diamond sellers out there for nothing. Their gemologist will give you diamonds that will suit your budget one way or the other. Besides, there are plenty of things to spend on other than an engagement ring.

More Colour

When it comes to princess-cut diamonds, they show more colour than any other diamonds in the market. As a result, you better avoid choosing one that shows too much colour as that may not come out pretty. This is one of those rare times when more colour in a diamond does not mean it is a good thing.

In fact, it is actually the opposite when we are considering appearances. At the end of the day, princess cuts are better for your budget as you will need to spend more things if it is an engagement that you are preparing for.

In conclusion, you will indeed spend a lot of your hard-earned cash on Rare Carat princess cut diamonds. However, you can be sure you are going to get your money’s worth. When you tell Rare Carat’s gemologist that you want a princess cut then you will be guided from the start until the end.

By the end of your purchase, you will definitely end up with a diamond that you will feel confident about giving to your loved one. There is no doubt she will react in such a fantastic way when she sees the gift especially if there is an occasion. When it comes to the shape of the diamond, there is actually no right or wrong answer.

On the other hand, the size of the recipient’s hand will matter a lot so you must know that in advance. The last thing you would want to happen would be to buy an item with the wrong size. Since you know your partner more than anyone else, you should know right away if she would like a Rare Carat Princess cut diamond or not. If not, their website has plenty of options.