6 Tips To Reduce Your Plastic Footprint

Plastic pollution has become a significant threat to the environment, which is why it’s important to control consumption and do things that are beneficial to the planet. However, that’s often easier said than done, considering the fact that corporations and mega factories cause more pollution, which makes people reluctant to try.

But, if we all do a little on the personal levels, it’s possible to create a clean and happy world that will be able to thrive. Reducing plastic footprint is always a good idea, and what’s even better, it practically costs you nothing to give it a shot. So for that reason, here are some amazing tips that will help you reduce your plastic footprint.

1. Use non-plastic bags 

Plastic bags are everywhere, which is no surprise. They’re cheap, easy to make and so accessible. A lot of supermarkets still give them away for free, or if they charge, they charge very low amounts. All of that results in even more consumption and plastic waste. That’s why opting for reusable bags, made of cotton or other materials is a great way to reduce your plastic footprint.

Simply, before you go shopping, make sure you have at least one tote or any other type of bag. That way, you’ll be covered when shopping for groceries, but you won’t need to use plastic bags anymore.

2. Don’t buy bottled water 

Buying bottled water is pretty convenient. However, bottles are made of plastic, and since plastic ends up in landfills and oceans, it’s best to find other alternatives when drinking water outside one’s home. Therefore, opting for a reusable water bottle is always a great idea, especially if you love working out you lead a generally active lifestyle. 

3. Use better straws 

Drinking straws are causing a great deal of plastic pollution, which is why some places have decided to ban them for good. That’s why reusable straws made of metal or bamboo are a perfect solution.

So if you’ve been wondering how can we reduce plastic waste, then more sustainable drinking straws are a great place to start. Next time you want to order your favorite drink, rather than choosing a single-use plastic straw, make sure to bring your own that will last you much longer.

4. Find better cosmetic products 

Some cosmetic products contain microplastics, tiny chunks of plastics that are impossible to filter out, meaning they end up in oceans, causing grave dangers to marine wildlife. These microplastics are often used as exfoliators, but unfortunately, they often cause more harm than good.

That’s why using green cosmetics is always a better option, and if there are no sustainable brands close to you, you can always choose brands that use biodegradable alternatives to microplastics. So if you spot a product with “polypropylene” or “polyethylene” on the list of ingredients, then you should avoid them. 

5. Skip plastic razors 

Plastic razors are also one of the more commonly-used products, which is why many people throw them away after one or two uses. That’s already concerning enough, so if you’re looking to live a more sustainable lifestyle, then it’s best to skip plastic razors in favor of eco-friendly ones made of stainless steel and other long-lasting materials.

That way you’ll have a reliable razor to use, so you won’t have to rely on cheap, plastic ones that are also harmful to the environment.

6. Rethink your period products 

Period products such as pads and tampons are inevitable, but they’re also responsible for a lot of waste all over the globe. Luckily, there are much greener alternatives, such as period cups and reusable pads.

Besides, period cups are useful, since by using them, you’re also skipping the plastic packaging that comes with pads. And if giving up on tampons isn’t an option right now, then try to use brands that come without plastic applicators. 

Final thoughts 

Reducing your plastic footprint, even for a bit is a great way to start your eco-friendly journey. These tips are practical and easy to implement, however, they also require sacrificing some comforts that you may have become accustomed to. But, there are immense rewards in living a more sustainable lifestyle, so if you’re thinking about that, then these suggestions will definitely be of great help.