The Beauty of Regular Massage Therapy

How Getting Massages on a Consistent Basis Can Improve Your Overall Health and Wellness

Although modern medicine has progressed by leaps and bounds over the past couple decades, holistic treatments such as massage therapy still have a lot to offer. For those not familiar with massage therapy, it is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body that are performed by a licensed massage therapist (LMT) or medical professional.

In most cases, massage therapy is used to treat a specific area of the body that is causing pain or discomfort. For instance, a person who pulls a muscle playing a sport or who is experiencing muscle tightness when running will benefit greatly from massage therapy. However, massage therapy isn’t just for athletes.

LMTs can work with a variety of people who are trying to find relief in their joints, tendons, ligaments, or other connective tissues. It’s perfect for those that don’t want the hassle of trying to schedule an appointment with a doctor and who also don’t want to rely on prescription medications for pain.

In fact, massage therapy to this day remains one of the most effective holistic treatments that a person can get, and not just for pain management. The beauty of getting regular massage therapy is that it has numerous benefits.

Reduce Your Stress Levels

We’re all dealing with stress right now. In fact, the past couple of years have been some of the most stressful we’ve experienced in recent history. If you’re feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders, an appointment with a massage therapist is just what the doctor ordered. Not only can massage therapy be performed in a way that’s safe, it’s also a proven method of relieving stress and anxiety.

In addition to massage therapy for bodily relaxation, one can also go for a body talk therapy, as performed by a specialized and licensed therapist that also practices a myriad of mental therapies for healing patients with trauma, anxiety, depression or stress.

Numerous studies have shown that massage therapy decreases a person’s heart rate, blood pressure, and salivary cortisol levels. Additionally, massage therapy helps to put a person’s mind at ease, mentally soothing them as much as physically. This all equates to the recipient of treatment feeling far less stressed and anxious, even after short treatments.

On a related note, massage therapy doesn’t have to be used once you finally feel the effects of stress. It can also be used from a preventative standpoint. For instance, let’s say that you know you’re going to have a stressful few days at work. A massage therapy appointment is the perfect thing to mentally and physically center you so that you’re more equipped to handle what’s in store for you.

Improve Your Sleep and Mood

When most people have sleep issues, their first thought is that they need to get on melatonin or a powerful prescription sleep medication like Ambien. In some cases, that may be the best route to take. Sleep medicine and figuring out how to get consistent, restful sleep can be a tricky process that takes a lot of trial and error.

However, one big overlooked solution is how beneficial massage therapy can be when it comes to getting better sleep. The science behind this is that massage therapy helps with the release of serotonin, which assists in the process of getting to sleep and staying that way throughout the night.

Additionally, the results of massage therapy along with getting a good night’s sleep mean that you’ll be in a better mood. Think about how you are on five hours sleep compared to when you get the full eight that your body needs. It’s a world of difference, right? Massage therapy is just the thing you need to have happier, more productive days.

Prep Your Body for Exercise and Other Physical Duress

As you may already know, massage therapists are now a mainstay in professional athletics. In fact, LMTs are now part of virtually every sport being played, from team sports like football to individual sports like tennis. Massage therapy has proven benefits for those looking to better prepare their bodies for the challenge that physical activity brings while also serving as a method of recovery.

However, massage therapy is perfect for anyone engaging in physical activity, especially in those that have poor circulation or stiff muscles. Those that regularly receive massage therapy before engaging in activity reported that they are able to endure longer and perform at a higher level. This is due to the fact that muscles feel more relaxed, and therefore, more able to handle the physical stress of exercise and competition.

Book Your Massage Therapy Appointment with an LMT Today

Now that you’re more familiar with the benefits of regular massage therapy and how it can be used, all that’s left is to find the right LMT in your area for you to get treatment from. Fortunately, massage therapy is widely available in most areas of the country. Searching the term “massage therapy near me” should bring back numerous wellness centers and treatment facilities to choose from.

Most places that offer massage therapy offer a wide variety of treatments for you to choose from. When speaking with your LMT, let them know the goals of your massage therapy so that they can tailor the treatment to you.

Even after one treatment, you’ll find that the benefits of massage therapy have numerous benefits that you feel throughout the week. Getting regular massages lead to better sleep, an improved mood, and overall feeling physically more capable and relaxed.

Take the first step to better health and wellness by booking your massage therapy appointment today.