How to Reverse Hair Loss with Natural Remedies

Hair is your crowning glory. It is distressing to watch your glory receding, and it directly affects your confidence. However, hair loss is a reversible process, but success is not always guaranteed if you choose a non-effective solution.

Effective solutions do not always have to be costly and combine numerous ingredients. Get yourself Yun Nam Hair Care treatments products, reasonably affordable hair products that have proven efficacy.

Read on to learn how to get the best results from hair anti-thinning products and where to buy them. It is important you read our step-by-step procedure for a typical anti-hair loss regimen.

What causes hair loss?

Sometimes life just happens. You start to age and cannot reverse the natural process. A receding hairline is one of the signs of the onset of aging. Medical conditions coupled with harsh environmental factors further worsen hair loss. Genetics, too, is a significant cause of hair loss.

Reversing hair loss

Whatever the cause of hair loss is, potent natural solutions infused in Yun Nam Hair Care treatments products stimulate hair follicles to produce more hair. We look at some top-rated solutions for your hair and how best you can use them.

Before you settle on a specific hair loss remedy, you must undergo a scalp scan analysis. Essentially, a scalp scan analysis entails a trichologist examining your scalp for the viability of hair follicles. Only after a scalp analysis will the trichologist recommend suitable hair solutions.

Proven anti-hair loss solutions


FASTGro incorporates nature’s potent hair stimulating products, majorly from China and other less known regions. The main ingredients of FASTGro are ginseng, speranskia, dangui, knotweed, and dittany. However, other micronutrients that stimulate natural hair production are in FASTGro solutions.

At Yun Nam Hair Care treatments centers, you can expect the following procedure when using FASTGro and replicate it at home. However, you need a scalp analysis first.

1. Wash your hair with paraben-free shampoo

Shampooing your hair removes previous hair products residues and unclogs your pores. Paraben and sulfate-free shampoos clean your hair without stripping it of natural oils. After washing your hair, pat it to dry it. Do not completely dry it

2. Apply FASTGro hair product

FASTGRo is not abrasive to your skin since it is made from natural herbs. Apply it evenly over your head and massage it into the scalp. FASTGro stimulates hair follicles and stabilizes hair pH, which is crucial to growing back your hair. No special formula drying formula is required after the application.

3. Track your growth

FASTGro has proven results, and you should see them soon. Note the first date of application and track through to when your hair starts to grow over the bald patch. For long-term results, go for multiple FASTGro treatments.

Yun Nam Customized treatment

Yun Nam Hair Care specialists customize a hair loss treatment plan that uses 35 different herbs. Depending on the cause and extent of hair loss, the hair specialists tailor a unique solution. A customized treatment is effective since it works on your follicles.

Where to find anti-hair loss products

Yun Nam Hair Care treatments are available in select stores and malls across Singapore. Jurong Point, Century Square, Heartland Mall, and Capital mall are some stores that offer Yun Nam’s hair loss remedies.