Ripoff Report Removal

Get started with removing a Ripoff Report post by using this information to learn all about how the site works. There are pros and cons to anonymous online reviews, and removing them can be remarkably difficult. Whether you can remove the post in the first place depends entirely on the circumstance, but you can do it. So, where do you start?

What Is Ripoff Report

Ripoff Report is a website for consumers. Users of can post “ripoff reports” of companies or individuals that ripped them off. The purpose of this website is to inform and warn other potential customers of fraudulent or unreliable services provided by people and businesses. Ripoff Report is one of many consumer review websites people can utilize for this purpose.

What Is Online Defamation / Cyber Libel

Online defamation is an act of defaming the reputation of an online business or an individual by posting false information about them. Cyber libel is another name for it, but it all means the same and has the same consequences for people who try to commit online defamation.

Online defamation is something that must have proof in court. It takes evidence of a damaged reputation and proof that the statements made online were false. Not all cases turn out to online defamation, and not all negative reviews online can be claimed as such.

Online defamation would be a legitimate reason to try to have a post on Ripoff Report removed.

Why Is it Difficult to Remove Content from Ripoff Report?

Protections provided to internet hosts by the law create the greatest difficulty with removing reports on Ripoff Report, but there is an even bigger issue. Ripoff Report has a policy that states that it will not remove any reports for any given reason, which means the only way you could get a report removed is if a court orders them to take it down.

Thankfully, Ripoff Report does provide some means for responding and resolving reports made about your company, such as the Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Program and the Ripoff Report Verified Program.

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act?

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is one of the protections we mentioned that could stand in the way of removing a post on Ripoff Report.

This section of the CDA ensures that the provider of an online service is not treated as the speaker for any information posted by other people. For example, when a member of Ripoff Report creates a negative report about a business, the people who run Ripoff Report cannot get in trouble for what is said by the member, even if they posted false information.

The reason why section 230 of this Act could make things complicated is that it grants Ripoff Report the choice not to remove any posts if they do not want to – and Ripoff Report takes full advantage of that.

Fair Use

You may want to remove a post from the Ripoff Report because of copyright infringement rather than online defamation. To get a post removed, for this reason, you must make sure that the content of yours that the person used does not qualify as Fair Use.

When content falls under the Fair Use doctrine, it allows anyone to use that content for creative reasons; this includes using content to create a review, such as the reviews on Ripoff Report. A court may make this decision if there is controversy over an online post, and they can force the removal of that post if it does, in fact, violate the owner’s copyright claim.

What Is the Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Program

Now that you understand the main obstacles that are in the way, you should learn about the Corporate Advocacy Program that Ripoff Report provides to businesses. This program is separate from the free services Ripoff Report already offers to businesses.

You can file rebuttals against ripoff reports made by users, which may solve the issue at hand, or you can use the Corporate Advocacy Program. If you are an individual that has been targeted by a report on the site, the Corporate Advocacy Program may not be right for you since it is geared toward businesses.

When you use the Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Program, it helps your business to satisfy customer complaints better and commits you to them.

What Is the Ripoff Report Verified Program

On Ripoff Report, you can earn the Verified status for your business. Once being a member of the Ripoff Report Verified Program, your business will have to respond to all customer complaints within a set amount of time. Obtaining and holding a verified status could take some work, but it can help to keep customers happy.

To become part of the Ripoff Report Verified Program, your business must:

• Allow an on-site inspection by a third-party verifier
• Participate in an electronic interview
• Make a written commitment to providing superior customer satisfaction
• Make a written commitment to address all Ripoff Report complaints promptly

File a Defamation Lawsuit

As a business that has become the victim of online defamation on Ripoff Report, you can file a lawsuit. Using the legal system is one of the only ways to remove a complaint altogether on Ripoff Report, especially in the case of defamation.

A defamation lawsuit would involve finding proof that the published statements were false. The proof in this type of lawsuit does not have to be definitive but rather can be an overall look at the circumstances to see the nature of the post made on the review website.

How to Remove a Post on Ripoff Report

Removing a post on Ripoff Report can be exceedingly hard, especially since they have a clause specifically stating that they will not remove posts for any reason.

Reputation Rhino not only helps individuals with removing negative online reviews, but the company also helps businesses who have fallen victim to sites like Ripoff Report. The help that an online reputation management company provides could be invaluable when dealing with Ripoff Report.