Lesser-Known Strains of Cannabis You Probably Didn’t Know

Cannabis, over the past few years, has become a widely accepted means of relaxation and safe alternative treatment. In most places around the world, there is a “medicinal“ tag attached to it.

In places such as Los Angeles, and California as a whole, the entire plant and most of its derivatives are completely legal for anybody over the age of 21. But with all the hype and all the attention focused around the primary strains, there are a few that don’t get much attention that is just as equally potent and helpful.

Here is a list of some strains that you may not have heard of, but can do you and your body some good.

CBD Heavy Vapes

One of the biggest needs that the cannabis industry is currently addressing, is the need for CBD. CBD is a compound that is found in the cannabis plant that has been shown to limit inflammation, and topically reduce joint pains from diseases such as arthritis. Systemically, ingesting CBD has been known to give a feeling of calm and relaxation. CBD itself is non-psychoactive.

But it is most powerful when put in the right proportions to other cannabinoids that may be psychoactive. The new strain used for Durban Poison CBD vape is a high CBD, meant for patients that need a lot more than what usual cannabis strains can offer. Along with CBD, they are supporting cannabinoids that act as a delivery system on various cannabinoid receptors in the human nervous system. 

Papaya Nights

Papaya nights is another very high CBD strain that is derived from a Sativa dominant species. Because Sativa, in and of itself, has been known to produce a more active and “heady” Experience, the CBD strain emulates that with a feeling of being uplifted.

This is definitely a wonderful mood balancer and a great way to experience the day with a little bit of pep in your step. The CBD and CBDA content is almost double that of any other stream. It’s something that should be savored and enjoyed. If you’re going to cook it or eat it, maybe another, more common strain would be best. 

Secret OG

Secret OG, closely related to the Godfather OG strain, is the polar opposite of papaya nights. It still gives you a pleasant mix of the CBD and other cannabinoids, but instead of being a heady uplifting experience, it’s a more calm and introspective, and peaceful feeling. This is due to it being derived from a heavy Indica strain.

The OG Bud is probably the most famous in the world. But this little gem of a derivative is perfect for patients dealing with any kind of anxiety, or patterns of overthinking. This is wonderful for ending the day on a beautiful high note.

The use of cannabis has been around since ancient times. The previous generations said take on the cannabis plant is criminal. Thank goodness there are strains and changes in the law that can both help patients with their woes, and help change the minds of those who don’t really see its true value. Cannabis isn’t going anywhere. Thank goodness it is here to stay.