Suffering From Scoliosis? Expert Tips You Need To Hear

Scoliosis is a common spinal alignment deformity that unravels during the growth spurt. Scoliosis conditions range from mild cases where the spinal curvature is hardly noticeable and barely interferes with physical mobility, while in other severe cases, surgical intervention is necessary to allow for normal functionality of the lungs.

There are a number of conditions like cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy that cause the development of Scoliosis, however, the main cause of most Scoliosis cases remains unknown. Early detection is essential to contain Scoliosis and prevent it from getting worse with growth.

Symptoms of Scoliosis start to develop at an early age, if you are a Scoliosis patient, your parents probably noticed that your shoulders were growing uneven, or that your hips’ length were unmatched. 

However, if you want to make sure that you do your best to improve or at least preserve your current state, here are some expert tips that you need to hear:

Work with a Scoliosis Specialist

Other than a general orthopedist, you need to see a Scoliosis specialist as they are usually more focused on Scoliosis and other spinal conditions which means they have a border experience to help give you the best care for your specific case.

If your case is somewhat mild, you will be advised to see Scoliosis Bracing Specialists who will devise a treatment plan to help ease your symptoms and alleviate any pain you might be feeling. To increase the efficacy of bracing, you will have to commit to a specific exercise regimen and might even be prescribed some medication to help with unexpected attacks. 

Quit Smoking

Apart from the plethora of health complications of smoking, it is also infamously known to be closely associated with back and neck problems.

When you have Scoliosis, even if there is the slightest chance, there is no need to take any risks of worsening the pain you are already living with. Try to quit gradually and by time, you will definitely notice that even if the pain does not completely disappear, it will at least become more tolerable. 

Maintain an Exercising Routine

Unlike common belief, exercise is not going to worsen your Scoliosis condition. In fact, Scoliosis patients who are more routinely active report fewer symptoms than others with similar cases who aren’t. Strengthening your muscles is crucial to better support your spine and helps release any extra tension that it endures.

That being said, you have to understand that not any kind of exercise will work for you, consult your doctor before attempting a new routine. Usually, high-contact sports like football and soccer are not recommended for Scoliosis patients. You will also have to adjust some yoga poses to protect your spine and avoid complicating your condition. 

Rethink Your Sleeping Position

You have to make sure that your sleeping position is not restricting your breathing and is actually working with your treatment plan not against it. Generally, it is not recommended to sleep on your stomach as it can negatively affect your spinal alignment and emphasize the harmful curvature.

You also have to make sure that you are using the right mattress, try to find one that has enough yield but not overly thick. To avoid possible neck pain, you have to ensure that your head and neck are adequately supported by a medium or small-sized pillow. 

Avoid Heavy Lifting

Burdening your back with heavy lifting will cause further compression of the spine, which is what you want to avoid in the first place. Even if you feel ok during, it is probable that the pain is deferred, and it will be quite intolerable. 

Get In tune With Your Body

To better manage your Scoliosis, you need to learn how to listen to your body and stay in tune with it. Practice catching any alarming signs early on as early detection is always helpful in Scoliosis treatment.

If at any time you suspect that your medication is not working anymore or that your bracing feels wrong, trust your feeling and act on it. This will help you stay in control of your condition and increase your chances of recovery. 

Eat Nutritious Food 

Like most medical conditions, your diet plays a big role in the success of your treatment. As a Scoliosis patient, you are urged to steer clear from any foods that cause inflammation in the body as it stops the absorption of essential minerals that support the health of your bones and muscles. This means that eliminating refined sugars, dairy, and highly processed foods will help you maintain a healthy spine. 

Living with Scoliosis is not easy, however, there are a number of treatments nowadays that can help patients like you, to live with it comfortably. Stay informed about your case and try to find a Scoliosis specialist whom you can trust enough to follow their advice closely and commit to the treatment plan that she/he constructed for you.