What Are The Most Common Types Of Mental Illnesses?

Mental illness is a term used to refer to a group of diseases that affect your thinking, perceptions, mood, behavior, and feelings, among other cognitive functions. A person with a mental problem or disorder experiences difficulties coping with relationships, work, and other daily activities.

Most mental illnesses are short-term, but they can become chronic in the absence of an early and timely diagnosis, proper psychiatric care, and treatment.

Therefore, it is crucial to seek psychiatric intervention once you or your loved ones exhibit abnormal behaviors indicative of mental distress like unexplained anger, excessive consumption of alcohol and other drugs, withdrawal from hobbies and friends, among other antisocial tendencies to avoid being Baker acted. If ever someone suffering from mental illness is being Baker acted, you can seek help from a baker act attorney.

Mental disorders are easily manageable with expert counseling, medication, or both. You can also visit BetterHelp for more advice on appropriate steps to take if you need professional help on any mental illness.

Three Common Types of Mental Disorders

Life is full of unexpected occurrences that may catch us by surprise and have a debilitating effect on our mental stability and health. Today, society continues to record more cases of mental sicknesses with significant impacts on the socio-economic welfare of both the affected and their dear ones. In this article, we shall take a look at the most common mental disorders and their symptoms.

1. Anxiety Disorder

Do you persistently feel like the whole world is waiting for you to trip up so that they can laugh at you, and you are unsure of the next step to take in any given situation? You could be staring at an anxiety disorder. People with anxiety disorder respond to certain situations or objects with unnecessary fear, dread, and panic. They may even feel afraid of going outside their houses for fear of being judged or watched.

Anxiety is a typical experience when dealing with stressful events that might impact your life, but consistent fear, panic, and worry could point to a mental disorder. If your fears are distressing and hard to control, or you consistently avoid situations that might make you feel tense, it’s time you seek help from a qualified mental health professional.

2. Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a common mental health problem that affects the victim’s moods. If you experience incredibly high feelings (hypomanic episodes) and equally low feelings (depressive episodes) characterized by psychotic symptoms, you may have bipolar disorder.

Simply put, bipolar disorder is like an emotional amplifier. When in a high mood, you feel exceedingly lively and upbeat, but you feel like the whole world is resting on your shoulders when the mood is low.

Mood swings are normal, but if they affect how you relate to others or how you carry out your daily activities, you should visit a psychiatrist to diagnose you for bipolar. In case the illness is confirmed, do not shy away from proceeding with the necessary treatment and care to help you manage your moods.

3. Depression

Depression is another common type of mental illness. It is a consistent feeling of lowness of spirit that lasts for quite some time. Depression starts as a normal feeling of sadness. With a lack of timely diagnosis and treatment, depression drives the patients to total shutdown and inability to continue with their everyday lives.

Depression can be classified as moderate, mild, or severe, depending on the impacts it has on your life. If you have persistent feelings of sadness, self-pity, and hate, you likely have depression. Do not wait. Find a qualified psychiatrist to diagnose you and give you’re the right treatment.

Final Remarks

Mental disorders are manageable and treatable. If you experience any of the things described above, don’t hesitate to contact a mental health expert. Early diagnosis and treatment is the only surefire way to nip the problem in the bud.