Successfully Sell Your Life Insurance in 6 Simple Steps

Life insurance policy is designed to offer you financial protection during your lifetime. It also acts as a safety net to your beneficiaries in the event of death or loss of financial income. However, you also have an option to sell your life insurance policy if you no longer need it.

When you decide to sell your life insurance policy, there are certain things that you should consider. The following tips can help you to dispose of your policy should you decide to do so. 

How to sell your life insurance policy?

The first thing that you should know is that there are firms that facilitate the business of buying life insurance policies from different sellers that you can reach out to. Choosing the right Life Settlement Companies will provide you with choices to ensure you maximize the value of your life insurance. They offer policyholders guidance through the sales process. 

The following six simple steps can help you achieve your goal if you want to successfully sell your life insurance.  

Deal with providers

You can choose to sell your life insurance through a provider. The providers buy insurance policies directly from the policyholders. When you select this avenue, you are directly involved in the sale of your policy. 

The main advantage of this method is that it eliminates several intermediaries which makes the process faster. The other benefit is that providers do not charge commissions, so you are bound to receive more from the proceeds realized after the sale of the policy.       

Sell policy through a broker

The other step that can also be easier for sellers who do not have time or lacking confidence to sell their life insurance policies is to work with a life settlement broker. The brokers help to connect the policyholders with interested buyers, but they charge a certain fee. 

This method can make your life simple since you do not directly deal with the policy buyers. When you choose this option, make sure the broker discloses the fees involved in the entire transaction.  

Choose the best company

It’s very important that you take the time to research your options. You should choose the best company that can facilitate the sales process of your life insurance. 

Take note of the following factors.   

  • You must choose licensed and experienced life settlement business. 
  • Make sure the company has a track record of positive past performance. You can ask for this information or check the company’s website. 

State licensing is designed to protect the seller during the sales process and after the deal has been completed. Additionally, licensing helps to ensure that the life settlement company adheres to the standards set by the regulatory authority within a particular state. You should also bear in mind that an organization’s license does not necessarily mean that it is competent.   

Consider the timing of the policy

The life settlement process can take several weeks or months. This means that you should be in a position to know the period of time it can take to sell your policy. If you are in dire need of cash or in a terminal state, you should understand the proper timing of selling your policy. However, there is a viatical settlement option for consumers who are terminally ill. To qualify for this option, you should have a shorter life expectancy and it does not apply to policyholders with longer life expectancies.   

Tax implications of selling your policy

The other crucial step that you should take is to consider the tax implications of disposing of your life insurance policy. If you do not qualify for a viatical settlement, tax charges can be triggered. Feel free to ask your provider or broker about the tax implications before selling your policy. 

Confidentiality issues

Is your information safe during and after the sale of the policy? This is a critical question that you should seek answers to before you sell your life insurance policy. It is also important to get written confidentiality agreement from your company to ensure that any sensitive information is protected. 

There are also regulations that guide the life settlement companies with regards to how they can contact the policy sellers. You should freely discuss privacy issues with your provider or broker to ensure that your information is not compromised.  

Over and above, it can be observed that selling your life insurance is quite simple as long as you have the right information. You can either deal with a provider or broker when you want to sell your policy. It is also crucial to choose the best company that can facilitate the sale of your insurance policy. Successfully selling your life insurance might not be as complicated as some people may think, as long as you follow the steps above.