Unlocking the Formula: Expert Tips and Insights on Choosing the Best Baby Formula

Scientific and technical achievements have made it possible to develop a wide range of baby formulas for babies who, for various reasons, cannot receive breast milk. But how to choose a milk formula for a newborn to ensure a balanced supply and assimilation of nutrients, especially those that support the development of the brain, vision, and immunity?

Bottle-feeding from birth or after breastfeeding

Mother’s milk is the ideal type of nutrition for newborns and babies. Most women usually do not have serious problems with breastfeeding, but there are also many who feed their children with a bottle and formula.

The most common reasons why breast milk is changed or supplemented with formula:

  1. The lack of milk. A small amount of milk in the breast is the cause of insufficient nutrition of the child and the associated poor weight gain.
  2. Baby’s health. Prematurity, allergy, and reflux are special conditions during which the child eats a special medicinal formula.
  3. Psychological unpreparedness. Sometimes breastfeeding causes negative associations, a feeling of discomfort. In this situation, the decision not to breastfeed naturally will be the choice of the mother.

In other cases, the doctor determines the necessity of the initial/following formula introduction.

Which formula to choose for the newborn?

There are some qualities and characteristics of breast milk substitutes. The main of them are:

  • Adaptability. The quality and quantity characteristics are chosen with an orientation on breast milk. The formula has approximate proportions of proteins of whey and casein fractions and necessary nutrients such as fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins.
  • Functional properties/age category. Parents should remember that every formula should be chosen according to the age of the baby.
  • The main ingredient is milk. The milk can be cow’s or goat’s, soy milk, lactose-free milk, or hydrolyzed milk.
  • The special purpose of the formula. It can be considered for different purposes. For example, it can be the formula for kids with allergies, colic, or constipation. Also, it can be particular formulas for premature and underweight babies. 

It is not enough to know the types of nutrient mixtures. Before choosing the best formula for a newborn, you should talk to your pediatrician. The doctor is aware of the peculiarities of the baby’s health and can individually recommend which formula to stop at. The doctor will also explain the most important characteristics and differences between different formulas, including the one you plan to buy.

Which ingredients should have a formula?

Different brands of breast milk substitutes tend to vary slightly in nutritional value. Lines have been developed with a mandatory standard set of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, and vitamins in accordance with the age norm.

Some manufacturers (far from all companies) offer improved formulas that include probiotics and prebiotics – this strengthens the beneficial bacterial flora, establishing comfortable digestion and stimulating immunity. Nucleotides, DHA, lutein, and other components are added for the development of immunity, brain, and vision, which make the formula more similar to breast milk.

Which formulas on the market are the best?

Today parents have a variety of choices when it comes to the formulas for their babies. HiPP Dutch formula is definitely the formula that is worth considering as the first choice. The formula is based on the organic skimmed cow’s milk. Moreover, the formula even contains natural probiotic lactic acid cultures originally sourced from real breast milk. Among the reasons why you should try this formula is:

  • HiPP Dutch Formula consists only of high-quality ingredients. It has premium organic milk together with probiotics from real breast milk, prebiotics, DHA, and ARA.
  • The formula is purely organic. It has no artificial additives such as sugar, GMOs, or preservatives.
  • It is based on natural ingredients which are rich in vitamins and minerals.

In addition, the HiPP Dutch formula has different stages for little ones of various ages. HiPP Bio Combiotic – Infant Milk Formula – Stage 1 is crafted for babies from 0 to 6 months.

HiPP Bio Combiotic – Infant Milk Formula – Stage 2 will be a great help for children from 6 months and older. It is also called a follow-on formula. It can be introduced as a complement or replacement for breast milk while introducing solid foods to your baby. And the next is HiPP Bio Combiotic – Baby Milk Formula – Stage 3. It is crafted as growing-up milk for toddlers of 12 months and further.

What to pay attention to when introducing a new formula to the baby?

The first choice or replacement of the formula is justified by the doctor. When choosing again, as a rule, it will not be just food of another brand, but a formula with other quality and taste properties.

The key moments:

  1. Time of day for new nutrition: the first half of the day.
  2. How much formula to give: a minimum volume of 10-30 ml is injected in the first dose to monitor the body’s reaction. In the absence of negative reactions, the portion is gradually increased to the full age norm within 7-10 days.
  3. How to understand that the formula is not suitable: pain, gas in the stomach, skin rash, diarrhea, and mucous secretions with streaks of blood during defecation are signs of food rejection talk to the doctor. The formula may have to be changed.


Every baby is an individual and has an individual organism with its needs in nutrition. The variety of baby formulas takes into account the age and nutritional needs of healthy children and children with developmental disabilities. Therefore, everything related to choosing the best infant formula for a child is a joint effort between parents and a pediatrician.