The Environmental Impact of a Leaking Underground Fuel Tank

Have you ever wondered what the effects of a leaking underground fuel tank are?

Every gallon of gasoline we buy gets transported from refineries to gas stations. The only problem is that many oil trucks lack protection against the elements. Undersized, overloaded, or damaged underground fuel tanks can lead to a spill at any time.

So what are the environmental impacts of this? Read on to learn more.

Potential Environmental Impact of a Leaking Underground Fuel Tank

A leaking underground fuel tank can have a significant environmental impact. Contamination of soil and groundwater is one of the most common impacts.

Steel or concrete fuel tanks are usually buried underground. If it leaks, the leaked petroleum can contaminate the surrounding area. This, of course, includes the soil and groundwater.

This contamination can enter nearby streams, lakes, or wells. It will be both difficult and expensive to clean up.

Sometimes, the environmental damage from a leaking fuel tank can be severe. In these cases, the affected area must be completely excavated and replaced.

Health Hazards of a Leaking Underground Tank

There are many health hazards associated with a leaking underground storage tank. The most serious is the potential for groundwater contamination.

If there is a leak, contaminants could leach into the groundwater. As a result, they could contaminate the water supply. This could lead to health problems like gastrointestinal illness, skin rashes, and cancer.

Another health hazard is the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air. These harmful chemicals can cause health problems like headaches, nausea, and dizziness. Long-term exposure can increase the risk of cancer.

Minimizing the Risk of Contamination

When a fuel tank leaks, the surrounding area can become contaminated. The good news is that there are ways to reduce the risk of contamination when this happens.

The first step is to remove the source of the underground oil tank leak. This is the most effective way to stop contamination from occurring. If a repair is possible, it is important to do so immediately.

Then, be sure to contain the contaminated area. If it is impossible to remove the source of the leak, you should put some containment measures in place. This is to prevent further contamination from occurring.

If contamination has already happened, it may be possible to treat the affected area and make it safe for use again. You can hire professionals to help you remove the contaminants. Check out GPR tank sweep services to get a better idea about this.

The Importance of Underground Fuel Tank Maintenance

Underground fuel tank maintenance is an essential part of keeping our environment safe. Failure to do so could lead to hazardous leaks and costly damages.

Ensuring proper maintenance is essential for the safety of not just your business. It is vital for the environment as well. So get started by contacting a professional today.

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