Working Mom Support: Hacks to Make Your Workplace Mom-Friendly

Nowadays, plenty of mothers are empowered to work and plenty also needs to work to be able to provide for themselves and their families. This is an admirable undertaking. One that is often underappreciated and is also quite challenging of a feat to manage.

Some moms need to be able to provide a place where they can work peacefully, balancing the act of both being a mother as well as taking care of a child. A lot of organizations should learn how to cater to their employees who have kids so that these employees can be more productive without compromising their roles as mothers.

With that said, below are several ways a workplace facility can become more suited for mothers and their needs.

Have an on-site childcare facility

One of the best things you can add to your workplace that will make it more accommodating to the needs of mothers is a childcare facility.

A childcare facility will be a place where mothers can feel comfortable leaving their children while they work. It helps make them more focused on their jobs, knowing that someone trustworthy is looking after their kids.

Sometimes, mothers just can’t find a babysitter to take care of the kids or perhaps it’s after the school day and no one is at home. Having a child-care facility at the office will ensure that your moms in the office don’t take out absences because no one is available to keep an eye on the kid.

Provide flexible work arrangement

Another thing that you should consider setting up in the workplace that will be a big help for working moms is a more flexible work arrangement.

With this arrangement, you can let your mom stay at home while still working. A flexible working arrangement won’t only be beneficial for your moms, but it will also help other people in the workplace. People who work from home can even be more productive than people who are working in the office so that’s something to consider as well.

Besides, the world is having a shift in which flexible working arrangements are becoming more frequent.

Include a lactation room

Some moms will still need to feed their kids with breast milk and you should make sure that they have a comfortable space where they can do that. Not only will it help the moms be more comfortable while they do their business, but it will also prevent any complaints from people who might feel uncomfortable with it.

In your lactation room, you need a comfortable chair. It should be a relatively private room, a refrigerator should also be there. Aside from that, make sure that a sink is there as well.

Include a health and wellness center

Mothers tend to focus all of their efforts into taking care of their family At the end of it, they can end up stressed and neglecting their own physical well-being.

With that said, you should give them the means with which they can take care of their physical state. One way to do that is by having a health and wellness center in the office. A health and wellness center will not only help mothers get their fitness up, but others in the office can benefit from this as well.

Another way to ensure the health and wellness of working moms is by making the entire office clean and tidy. According to Mail Sailors, “Whether you run a small business or are part of a large company, ensuring that your offices are kept clean and tidy helps to create positive first impressions and improves employee morale and work ethic.”

Have free concierge service

A lot of working moms have to manage their household, work, take care of their kids, and so on. However, they only have 24 hours in a day like the rest f us. This is why it’s a big help for companies to start giving free concierge service privileges to mothers in their employee roster.

It makes it easier for them to reduce their workload not only at work but also in other aspects of their life. They can get the concierge service to pick up grocery items, maybe run a few errands, and so much more.

Start a working parent network for employees

It can be lonely for some working moms when they’re managing both their work and their family lives. Thus, you should encourage every parent to network with one another in the office. This will help them have a support system for their parenting woes.

In this parent network, they’ll have emotional support. In fact, they can even create a better sense of camaraderie in the office between people from different departments. Thus, it won’t only help moms not feel alienated, but it will also bridge gaps between everyone in the office who are parents regardless of departments.

Sometimes, moms often end up being shamed at their workplaces for bringing in anything about their motherhood at work. Given the fact that being a mother is already an unpaid work, it doesn’t help that their workplaces don’t make it easier for them nor at the very least, help them be great employees while also being great mothers.

With these changes, you don’t alienate the mothers in your workplace. As a result, they become more loyal to the organization and they’ll be more productive in the office as well.