7 Ways to Boost Your Kid’s Memory

The cognitive function of your child is an important aspect in building his foundation for learning. Children with a sharp memory generally perform better in school because they tend to ace their exams and get good grades.

But it is important to know that having a sharp memory is a skill that can be developed over time. Hence, you can definitely help your child boost his or her memory.

Break information into smaller modules

One of the best ways to boost your child’s memory is to break any information that he or she is trying to learn into smaller modules. This is because smaller chunks of information are easier to remember compared to a comprehensive and a significant amount of material.

In teaching your child, it is advisable for you to start with the most basic concept and slowly build from there. In doing so, you can organize the principle you are trying to convey using heading or lists, which are color-coded to make it easier for your child to remember later on.

Encourage the use of all senses

Several studies show that a multisensory approach to learning is significantly effective for various children of different traits and learning curves. Encourage the use of the five senses, namely sight, sound, touch, smell, and even taste, when you are studying. In this case, props may be necessary, such as using real objects to associate the concept of colors, numbers and shapes.

Create Mind Maps

Mind maps are basically a representation of ideas and how every idea is connected to each other. For instance, you can use pictures associated with words that describe them to help your child become familiar with these words and memorize their spelling. You can also make a list of keywords for a certain idea or a subject and establish an interconnection between these words.

Use Neuro soundwaves

Train the brain of your child to perform at a higher level by using a neuro soundwave. This is an innovative technology that leverages various sound waves embedded in music and the usage of neuro soundwaves can help your child’s brain attain a certain frequency that can improve his or her mental capabilities.

This will encourage the development of the cognitive function of your child’s brain, which greatly aids in boosting his memory.

Play games

Take the stress out of learning and simply spend time with your child. The act of playing games will already be significant in helping them develop their memory functions. You can play memory games with them or play cards such as Uno or Go Fish.

Remembering the rules of the game, as well as whose turn it is to play, is already considered as a brain exercise. This is actually a form of active and exciting learning activity, not only for your child, but for you as well.

Read together

Reading together not only helps your child enhance his or her memory skills, but it also allows you to spend some quality time together. Reading books and talking about the stories you have read is a form of brain exercise that aids your child in remembering significant details and information.

You can also ask them to visualize the stories you have read or talk about your favorite memories that are relatable to the book. This way, they will be able to make a connection and doing so can sharpen their memory.

Ask your child to teach you

Often, parents feel the burden of having to teach their children. But the truth is, there is a lot that you can learn from children. The good thing about this is that, asking your children to teach you is another way of sharpening their memory.

When you ask them to teach you, you are also requiring them to explain a certain detail or idea from what they remember. In doing so, encourage them to cite examples by relating what he or she is trying to explain to his or her own experiences. This will make it easier for him to process the concept of the material he or she is trying to convey.

To wrap things up, there are several ways on how you can help your child boost his memory. Simply encouraging your child to ask questions, as well as creating rhymes and songs together already go a long way.

Encourage active learning and make it fun and exciting, perhaps through the use of visual aids or neuro soundwaves as these all are fundamental in enhancing your child’s memory skills.