Giving up Is Not an Option: 25 Best Navy Seal Quotes to Inspire Perseverance

There comes a time in everyone’s life when we feel like there’s no way out and we have to give up. We feel like life has beaten us down and we can’t find the inspiration to get up and go on. In those moments of darkness, we need to look for a beacon of hope and perseverance.

And who better to turn to than the modern-day superheroes — Navy SEALS. Ever since the force was formed back in the 1960s, it has been a symbol of strength, hard work, and dedication. That is why we’ve created this list of 25 best navy seal quotes to help inspire and motivate you in your time of need.

25 Best Navy Seal Quotes

Inspirational Navy Seal Quotes

#1. “There’s a storm inside of us, a burning river, a drive. You push yourself further than anyone could think possible. You are never out of the fight.” — Marcus Luttrell

#2. “I have to face the final battle by myself, maybe lonely, maybe desolate, maybe against formidable odds. But I was not giving up.” — Marcus Luttrell

#3. “I had made up my mind that I was not going to quit – no matter what. Hell week’s intense discomfort & exhaustion was something to be endured – minute by minute. We never knew what was coming next. The trick was to just get through whatever was happening.” — John Gulick

#4. “They could beat you, run you, make you endure untold cold and pain, and kill you. But they could never make you quit.” — Walter Diaczenko

#5. “I think hell week is a time when a guy develops an ”I will never give up” attitude. As you know, this mentality that is developed in training will stick with a Seal throughout his life.“ — Bill Bruhmuller

#6. “Make up your mind to do it. Proceed one step, one hour, one evolution at a time. Help your teammates whenever you can. Keep going.” — Denny Johnson

Motivational Navy Seal Quotes

#7. “I think the key to making it all the way is to keep a positive attitude at all times.  Never have a negative thought, end of story.  Once a negative thought gets into your head, you’re done. Because one negative thought leads to another and then it’s a slippery slope to quitting.“ — Walter Diaczenko

#8. “It is mind over matter; if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” — Kory Knowles

#9. “Put your mind in neutral and your ass in gear.” — John Parrish

#10. “The only easy day was yesterday.” — Unknown

#11. “Get comfortable being uncomfortable.” — Unknown

#12. “The Navy is much more than a job; much more than service to the country. It is a way of life. It gets in your blood.” — Albert F. Pratt

Navy Seal Quotes About Teamwork

#13. “The only thing that got me through was my classmates. They were pulling me while I was pulling them. No one gets through training alone, no one!” — John Roat

#14. “As one of my more famous teammates is known to say, “Can’t Quit, Not Dead!” That is the kind of motivation you need to get through training!” — Roger Guerra

#15. “I think that’s one of the primary things that keep people going in tough times, or in combat; their friends and family depend on them. Training weeds out the self-serving, selfish individuals, and keeps the team players who we can count on to be there when we need each other.” — Daniel Olson

#16. “There comes a point in time somewhere in BUD/S where everyone has that moment when they say “I’ve had enough.” And that’s when you rely on your teammates to give you that extra push to get you over that moment.” — Ben Lichtenberg

#17. “Pain, lots of pain and teammates push each other as hard and far as it takes to make it. We did not think, we just did. When someone drops out on a boat team, the rest have to carry the extra weight.” — Larry Burchett

#18. “If you work together as a team and put out as hard as you can for a short period of time, you’ll get to rest while everyone else pays for not working so hard.” — Unknown

Navy Seal Quotes About Strength

#19. “You don’t ever let quitting enter your mind as it is a sickness that will weaken you. Never quit, never consider it!” — Ron Seiple

#20. “To break a Navy Seal, you have to kill us. That’s why we can make it into our training. That’s why we can call ourselves Seals because the only way your gonna break us is to kill us.” — Marcus Luttrell

#21. “I didn’t know if I could finish the run, but I knew I could take one more step. I did it. And then I took another, and another, and another. A couple of hours later the sun came up as we finished the run. I had made it.” — Al Horner

#22. “Truly – my mind never told me to give up though my body was beaten down.” — Stew Smith

#23. “No matter what, they can’t kill me, that’s against the rules. Others have run this same route and they lived. I will not quit! No matter what, you can’t make me ring that bell. If my classmates can do this, I can! Just finish this evolution, the next one is easier. Quit, how do you spell that? The reward for this is a weekend of sleep.” — Patrick Park

#24. “To find us, you must be good. To catch us, you must be fast. To beat us, you must be kidding.” — Unknown

#25. “The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in combat.” — Unknown


The one thing we should all take away from these Navy Seal quotes is that hard work pays off. As long as we persevere, keep pushing through, and get up every time we fall — we can expect great things in life.